Tony Hoyle: Let the law take these guys down. You know, sometimes the law works.
Paul Kersey: And sometimes it doesn't! These people, they steal, they murder, they destroy people's lives and they get away with it! They have alibis, money, lawyers, power. They have everything.
Lestat: We are predators, whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment.
Vera Johnson: People like you come and go, Carly. You mean just one less Christmas card to me.
Billy: I stole cars at school. Take them over at break. Leave it parked outside the gates and at the end of the day I was the only kid to drive home. I was a fucking hero.
Student At Book Party: Professor Van Doren, I took your course at Columbia - "Hawthorne, Original Sin, and the American Experience." Well, as silly as it sounds, it changed my life.
Mark Van Doren: Was it the Hawthorne or the sin?
Ludwig van Beethoven: It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer.
Kitty Potter: This is fucking fruitcake time. I mean - is that fashion, is it? I mean is there a message out there? I mean you got lot of naked people wandering around here.
Felicia: Well, girls, what can I say? Here's to a secret very well kept.
Bernadette: Shame it's not gonna stay that way, isn't it?
Vincent Eastman: We weren't a family. We were a corporation. With a kid.
Dr. Bill Capa: What do you give a suicidal patient who's got everything?
Dr. Bob Moore: A parachute. I heard it already.