Pauline Parker: Oh, I wish James Mason would do a religious picture! He'd be perfect as Jesus.
Juliet Hulme: Daddy says the Bible's a load of bunkum.
Pauline Parker: But we're all going to heaven?
Juliet Hulme: I'M not! I'M going to The Fourth World... it's sort of like heaven. Only better, because there aren't any Christians.
Pauline Parker: She is most unreasonable. Why could not mother die? Dozens of people are dying all the time, thousands, so why not mother? And father too.
John: I love you so much Paul. Do you love me as much as I love you?
Pauline Parker: Of course I do, Nicolas.
John: My name is John.
Pauline Parker: Oh, but I like Nicolas so much better.
Juliet Hulme: All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases. It's all frightfully romantic.
Juliet Hulme: Absolutely not! Orson Welles! Urgh! The most hideous man alive.
Pauline Parker: I felt thoroughly depressed and even quite seriously considered committing suicide. Life seemed so much not worth the living and death such an easy way out.
Honorah Parker Rieper: Love, you can still write to each other.
Pauline Parker: Anger against Mother boiled up inside me, as it is she who is one of the main obstacles in my path. Suddenly a means of ridding myself of this obstacle occurred to me. If she were to die.
Juliet Hulme: Daddy says the Bible is a load of bunkum.
Pauline Parker: But we're all going to Heaven.
Juliet Hulme: I'm not. I'm going to the Fourth World. It's sort of like Heaven, only better, because there aren't any Christians. It's an absolute paradise of music, art and pure enjoyment.