Best movie quotes of 1990

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Robocop 2 picture

Lewis: Good eyes, Murphy.
RoboCop: Good as money can buy.

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More The Rescuers Down Under quotes
Air America picture

Billy Covington: I don't wanna crash twice in one day.
Gene Ryack: Don't worry, I crash better that anyone I know.

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Truly, Madly, Deeply picture

Nina: My Feet will want to march to where you are sleeping, but I shall go on living.

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Memphis Belle picture

Sgt. Virgil Hoogesteger: I know exactly what I'm gonna do.
Richard Rascal Moore: Oh God, Virg, if I have to hear one more word about that stupid restaurant.
Sgt. Virgil Hoogesteger: It's not stupid! At least I've got a plan! What are you gonna do after the war, huh?
Richard Rascal Moore: Come to your restaurant and rob it.

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Ernest Goes To Jail picture

Ernest P. Worrell: Did you hear the one about the three legged dog that walked into a bar and said, "I'm lookin' for the guy that shot my paw."

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Joe Versus the Volcano picture

Patricia: My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement.

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Opportunity Knocks picture

Eddie Farrell: As Pericles said to the Athenians, "Where do I drain the lizard?"

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Men at Work picture

Louis: Rent-a-cops! I hate rent-a-cops too.

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Pump up the Volume picture

Nora: I say do it. I don't care what, just do it. Jam me, jack me, push me, pull me, talk hard.

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More The Exorcist III quotes
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Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III picture

Tinker: I'll be in hell for breakfast.

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Marked For Death picture

Screwface: Everybody want go heaven. Nobody want dead. Afraid.

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State of Grace picture

Jackie Flannery: They don't even want to call it "Hell's Kitchen" no more. Renamed it "Clinton." Sounds like a fucking steamboat.

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Problem Child picture

Junior: Why does this guy love me? Why does any parent love any kid? Maybe it's one of those answers we'll never know, like how high is up? Why is the sky blue? And whatever happened to Mrs. Healy?

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White Palace picture

Judy: Come on, I wanna know how you two met.
Nora: I picked him up in a bar. How's that?
Max: I was drunk, and she was drunk, and I liked her looks so I convinced her to let me bring her home, and I seduced her on the sofa bed, and it was magic, and I keep coming back for more.

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Dick Tracy picture

Dick Tracy: Is the enemy of my enemy my friend, or the enemy of my friend my enemy?
Pat Patton: What?
Dick Tracy: Or enemy of my enemy my enemy?
Pat Patton: What'd he say?
Dick Tracy: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
Sam Catchem: He said the enemy of his enemy is his enemy.
Pat Patton: Oh.

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Flatliners picture

Young Winnie: Hey! Hey, Fellatio! Got a match? Well, I do! Your face and my ass! Your breath made of buffalo farts.
David Labraccio: Do I know you?
Young Winnie: You don't know jack-shit! Butt-wipe! Needle-dick! Cock-bite! Jack-off! Limp-wrist! Corn-hole! Banana-breath! Shit-bird! Bird-turd! Turd-face! Kiss-ass! Brown-nose! Macho wimp! Limp dick! Fart-face! Tire merchant! What's the matter? Gonna cry? Come on, Crybaby Davie! Cry! Cry! Cry! Shit-face! Rat-turd! Ass-licking son of a bitch.

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