Miss Bianca: Come on, darling. Let's get a move out.
McLeach: Breaker, breaker, little mate. I forgot to tell ya... around here you have to be quiet! Or the rangers might hear ya. Now sit down, relax, enjoy the view. Nothing but abandoned opal mines far as the eye can see. And dead ahead is home sweet home.
Bernard: Miss Bianca, from now on, can't we just take the train?
Miss Bianca: Oh, Captain. Is this a non-stop flight to Australia?
Wilbur: Well, uh, not exactly. No. I can definitely say no. We're gonna have to make connections with a bigger bird. Non-stop? Who do I look like, Charles Lindbergh?
Miss Bianca: Oh, Bernard. You are magnificent. You are absolutely hero of the day.
Bernard: Miss Bianca, before anything else happens... will you marry me?
Miss Bianca: Oh, Bernard! Of course I will.
Jake: Well done, mate.
McLeach: I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing.
Wilbur: Welcome to "Albatross Air: A Fair Fare From Here to There." You get it?"A fair fare." It's-It's a play on... never mind.
Chosen answer: Yes, they are brothers.