Lewis: Good eyes, Murphy.
RoboCop: Good as money can buy.
RoboCop: Isn't the moon wonderful tonight?
Lewis: It's still daytime.
RoboCop: It's the thought that counts.
Lewis: Oh, Jesus! We're heading back to the station.
Cain: You think it was me that beat you? It wasn't. It was this.
The Old Man: City Hall is the decaying symbol of mismanagement and corruption.
Cain: Jesus... had days like this.
Cabbie: Hey! Cops.
Vendor: Huh? What?
Cabbie: Cops! And they ain't carryin' no picket signs.
Vendor: They going to kick somebody ass.
The Old Man: These days, neighborhoods just seem to be the sort of places where bad things happen. Don't be nostalgic.
The Old Man: This could look bad for OCP, Johnson. Scramble the best spin team we have.
Angie: You said you were just gonna scare him.
Cain: Doesn't he look scared?
Jess Perkins: $500 million in cash, Nuke money seized by police, but State Attorney Sphincter won't let the bankrupt city government touch it.
The Old Man: And so, people of the press, city officials, in a few minutes, Omni Consumer Products and the troubled city of Detroit will join in a bold new venture. Now, I'd like to explain just what this will mean: Sometimes, we just have to start over from scratch to make things right, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build a brand new city where Detroit now stands, an example to the world.
RoboCop: Ladies, stay down.
Casey Wong: On the international scene, the Amazon nuclear facility has blown its stack, irradiating the world's largest rain forest. Environmentalists call it a disaster.
Jess Perkins: But don't they always.
The Old Man: Sometimes we just have to start over, from scratch, to make things right, and that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to build a brand-new city where Detroit now stands - an example to the world.
RoboCop: Cain, let's take this outside.
The Old Man: It's only money. What about criminal proceedings?
Cain: You want me?
RoboCop: Dead or alive.
Cain: One of us must die.
RoboCop: Dead, then.
RoboCop: You're coming with me, Cain.
Hob: They say he's got a brain. I wanna see it.
The Old Man: There's going to be a big call for this unit, and we'll make him right here in Detroit. That means jobs we can all be proud of, and make "Made in America" mean something again.