Corrected entry: Martin Short is a lot smaller than Dennis Quaid, but when Martin puts on Dennis's jacket (to get the car keys when they escape the lab) the jacket fits Martin perfectly.

Corrected entry: In the scene in their kitchen, when JC and her boyfriend Stephen are discussing the terms of the adoption, Stephen is telling JC that she can use a clause to get out of the adoption. Before Stephen asks JC if she wants to use the "out clause", JC whirls around prematurely, as if responding to the question about the "out clause" that Stephen hasn't even asked yet.
Correction: She is reacting to the news that there is an "out clause" She is obviously very smart and did not take her long to realize that she had a way out of the adoption.

Corrected entry: When Ricky electrocutes Chip, his hand is still clenching Chip's throat. Since he has no insulated gloves on, he should have been fried as well.
Correction: When Chip was actually killed, Ricky's hand was not clenching his throat.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, when Anna is now trusted by Dutch and the team, Anna tries to help by wanting to carry a weapon. Dutch warns her not to carry a weapon because he's figured out that the Predator does not think it's sporting to kill an unarmed person and said this why the Predator did not kill her before. Since Dutch believes this, he should have ordered his men to drop all their weapons and then they all could simply walk out of the jungle safely.

Corrected entry: In the scene in the Jeep when Garlick announces to the passing troops that Cronauer is in their midsts and Adrian does his riff, after the convoy starts moving again, more than a dozen trucks go by with all the troops grinning broadly and giving Cronauer "kudos," even though the majority of them couldn't possibly have heard or seen his Jeep "performance," and wouldn't even know who he was.
Correction: Or someone spread the word via either CB, Grapevine-telephoned it down the line, or ran the news? Ask any soldier, they'll tell you how highly the entertainers are valued, how hard they'd listen, how fast the news would spread.
The "correction" is mere conjecture, not based on any evidence from the movie itself, but rather simply an opinion of how the plot could have been written and portrayed. I wrote up the actual scene as it played out on the screen as a mistake because without any supporting evidence from the movie makers this scene is a mistake. If one was to invent potential back stories for each scene in a movie then just about any mistake could be explained away as intentional, depending on the extent of one's imagination. But it wouldn't be a commentary on the movie.

Corrected entry: In the "Mondo Condo" scene where Arsenio Hall is struggling to get his necktie out of the garbage compactor, he knocks over a beer can on the counter. But in the next scene the beer can is back on the counter.
Correction: Copied verbatim from IMDb.

Corrected entry: When Ritchie is playing in the restaurant, his mother takes a big drink from a glass. But a moment later, the glass is nowhere to be seen.
Correction: The glass is actually a hidden a little behind her chair and remains there for the 3 or 4 shots of her before she gets up to dance.

Corrected entry: When the soldiers are first attacked while standing duty at the bridge, Sgt. Frantz calls for a cease fire after their artillery barrage. The magazine in the sergeant's M16 is inserted upside down. This is noticeable because you can see the brass from the cartridges when he lifts his rifle into the shot.
Correction: The magazine isn't inserted upside down, the reason you see the brass is because there are 2 magazines taped together so as to save time, all they would have to do is flip the magazines over and insert the unspent 1 in the weapon.

Corrected entry: In Streebek's favorite "coffee house", Pep asks Joe for twenty bucks to get info on an illegal drug lab where the bad guys were mixing the stolen chemicals. When the scene changes to the alley outside the supposed drug lab, Friday's narrative claims he paid out fifty dollars to the informant.
Correction: While he did say $50, it is implied that it took more than the original $20 to bribe the guy to find out where the lab is located.

Corrected entry: General Karpov blackmails Professor Krilov into revealing the details of the plot by threatening to expose his son's homosexuality, which he says will result in his deportation to a prison camp. In fact as a highly placed Acadamecian like Krilov would surely know, homosexuality was not illegal in the USSR - it was legalised in 1922. Though officially frowned upon nowadays (though it is still legal) in the years the film was set there would have been no action taken against Krilov's son simply because he was gay.
Correction: Stalin recriminalised it in 1933 with Article 121 of the Soviet Union criminal code, which made male homosexuality a crime punishable by up to five years in prison with hard labor. It was still a crime in the time period of this movie. Article 121 was eventually repealed in 1993. Karpov is also threatening to reveal that Krilov had an affair with an American CIA agent while on a diplomatic mission, a gross and seriously criminal dereliction of duty.

Corrected entry: During the Las Vegas arm wrestling tournament, Lincoln Hawk loses one match, but is still alive since it is in a double elmination tournament. This point is repeated over the PA. Hawk goes on to beat undfeated champion Bob Bull Hurley in the finals. But shouldn't Hawk have to beat Hurley twice, since it is a double elimination tourney?
Correction: In a normal tournament, Bull Hurley would have been disqualified for punching Hawks in the nose. Even though this was never announced in the movie, this would explain why Bull only loss the last match. He was beat twice. The first time was when he hit Hawks, the 2nd time was when his arm was brought down.

Corrected entry: In the scene where two Security Policemen (SPs) respond to a disturbance on base, there is a problem with their ranks. One is a Master Sergeant, the other a Technical Sergeant. Air Force SP sergeants of these ranks work as supervisors and administrators, they don't do 'grunt' work like responding to alarms (I was a member of the Air Force Security Police). There's also a problem with their berets - to properly 'break-in' a beret you have to use water to form the beret to your head. Theirs were 'non-formed' berets, which is in violation of Air Force appearance standards, and they looked as if they were wearing smurf hats.
Correction: As in all movies, it is illegal to accurately display a military uniform. They have to alter the appearance of it slightly to avoid breaking the law. This is why the berets do not fit in with standards.

Corrected entry: Susanna's brother, John, builds a cabin for the family in Wyoming, and carves a message on the wall, "Welcome Susanna, Love, John. Sept. 1876" However, John is a member of the 7th Cavalry, and the 7th Cavalry died at the Little Bighorn, June 25, 1876.
Correction: Not quite. In June 1876 the 7th Cavalry consisted of over 630 men. 495 took part in the attack on the Sioux encampments at Little Bighorn, and 272 died. The men Custer led were completely wiped out - all 225 died. In other parts of the battlefield most of the Cavalry escaped. Some weren't even involved in the first place. Three companies of 45 men each stayed behind at Fort Lincoln, and they later formed the relief column which found the bodies of Custer and his men on June 27th. Evidently John was either one of the survivors or a non-participant.

Corrected entry: Towards the end when the Tri-Lams are about to be expelled, you notice that there are ALREADY some of the fraternity members present (the black guys in the yellow T-shirts). Why didn't they defend their brothers? They must surely have known that the Alpha Beta fraternity has tried to take down the nerds before, and smelt a rat.
Correction: This is an "I would have done differently" mistake. Perhaps those fraternity members were a particularly mean batch. Perhaps they were just shy.

Corrected entry: When Tom and Jane are arguing at the airport before he leaves on vacation, he tells Jane the plane is boarding at Gate E2. The camera cuts to him walking toward the gates and you can see the sign with an arrow for Gates E1-4 pointing to the left, yet Tom turns right and we never see him correct his mistake. (01:57:15)
Correction: It is established numerous times in this film that Tom is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Just because we don't see him correct his mistake doesn't mean he doesn't do so eventually.

Corrected entry: When Mickey Rourke is undressing his girlfriend he unfastens three stockings.
Correction: One of those stockings was actually her bra. So he only unfastened two stockings and one bra.

Corrected entry: Jim doesn't age during the movie. He was in the prison camp for about three and a half years. When we first see him he looks about 12. By the end of the movie he should be a gangly teenager but he hasn't aged a day.
Correction: While this is true, some license should be allowed given the awkward age range involved. Twelve to sixteen isn't really a big enough change to warrant a second, older actor, especially since many sixteen-year-olds don't look particularly adult. And there's not much you can do with makeup in that age range either. (It's not like he ages from five to fifteen, or twenty to fifty.) This is just a case of suspending your disbelief. Or, poor treatment in a prison camp could stunt his growth and/or delay onset of puberty.

Corrected entry: When Max prepares to enter the school for the first time, he bums a cigarette from another student, but cannot get a light. Later, when he and Patrick are loitering by the exit, he lights the cigarette with a lighter.
Correction: Later means he could have had time to find a lighter, borrow one, or otherwise obtained it.

Corrected entry: When Evil-Lyn and a robot trooper scan for the key in the warehouse backyard, note in the side views that while the trooper is speaking, his larynx is moving. Robots do not require a moving larynx for voice.
Correction: They are not robots, but regular soldiers. There is nothing in the entire movie to indicate that the soldiers are robotic.
Correction: Actually, you can tell the jacket is too big. While it doesn't hang off his arms, the sleeves are bunched up quite a bit.