Corrected entry: After the plane runs out of fuel, Bond says "there's no place to put down". They then get into the jeep and out of the plane in a complex move, ending up on a huge flat desert, right next to a long straight road....

Corrected entry: When Michael's character gets on the escalator, his tie length is below his belt. As he gets off the escalator, it's way above his belt.
Correction: The scene you're talking about is different days. It's a montage of him going to different offices. In the first scene his tie is blue and in the next one it's red, showing he's changed.

Corrected entry: In some scenes, barcodes are visible on cola cans - barcodes weren't around in the 60's.
Correction: Not true. There have been a variety of systems in place since the late 1940s and what we know now as a barcode reader has been developed from these. The online encyclopedia 'Wikipedia' (should it be believed) gives a long and 'interesting' description about the development of barcodes - it is shorter to refer to that than to list it here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcode.

Corrected entry: When Owen sneaks into Margaret's bedroom he is barefoot. When the gardener enters, and he hides behind the couch, he is wearing shoes.
Correction: At no point in Margaret's home are Owen's feet visible before he dives behind the couch, thus making it impossible to say that he was barefoot when he entered.

Corrected entry: During the last scenes where Krader is shown shooting his rifle, we hear the blast of the rifle and see him pull the trigger, yet there is no recoil (kick) from the rifle at all. It is very obvious that the actor is not shooting the rifle.
Correction: Krader is shooting a .22 caliber rifle, which would have little to no kick-back.

Corrected entry: At the beginning when Claudia is explaining the rules, we see Klaus zip up a chipmunk doll, showing that it contains diamonds. However, when the girls discover the diamonds and the money, they have to slash the doll with a knife to open it.
Correction: There may just be different dolls; some in which you need a knife to open up and some that have a zipper.

Corrected entry: When Nicolas Cage and John Goodman are wrestling in the trailer Goodman tries to get Cage off his back by rotating himself. The direction of rotation changes during the scene from clockwise to anticlockwise. (01:02:00)
Correction: Isn't it possible that Goodman stopped and then started rotating Cage in a different direction? There is a scene in between the change in direction, with enough time given.

Corrected entry: When Sylvia is waiting in the hallway for the guys to come back from the airport, she is sitting on the floor with the baby. You can see the stroller next to her, and it is already fitted with the extender so all four of them can push the stroller together. They use this for the first time in the very last scene of the movie, after Sylvia and the baby move in. It wasn't used before.
Correction: Actually, the extended stroller handle is not only seen in the final moment of the movie. It is first visible during the music montage when the guys are in the park with Mary & Jack is pushing her by the lake & Michael is taking pictures. More than likely this is the same stroller they give to Sylvia when she leaves with Mary.

Corrected entry: When the appliances are leaving the house for the first time, Lampy sees the sun and says something like, "I wonder where the switch is", leading us to believe that he doesn't know what the sun is. However, when everybody is in the mechanical parts warehouse, while they (including Lampy) are singing a song, they look out of the window and call the sun "the sun," meaning that they now know what the sun is. At what point did they all learn this?
Correction: They may know that the Sun is called "The Sun," just like they know they are a Lamp, a Vacuum Cleaner, a Toaster, etc., but they don't know how it works.

Corrected entry: When Jennifer is picked up by Freddy and slammed into the TV, one of her slippers falls off. When Max enters the room and finds her, both slippers are on her feet. (00:38:10)
Correction: She's dreaming when her slipper falls off. It doesn't fall off in reality.

Corrected entry: The address for the house in this movie is 55 Ludovico place. The name of the institute in A Clockwork Orange (1971) where Alex is deprogrammed of violence was the Ludovico Institute.
Correction: This is only trivia if there is a reason for the address; otherwise it only qualifies as coincidence.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the old grandfather is arriving home with the dogs, they all run up the stairs. One of the dogs misses one of the steps and smacks its head into a step before running on up.
Correction: This isn't trivia. Not only is it visible to anyone watching the film, it's very noticeable and unlikely anyone watching wouldn't see it.

Corrected entry: When Ellen and Thea are building a sand castle, Ellen is standing looking out at the ocean. Then it shows a close-up of Thea asking her what's wrong and there is a can of soda front of them. When it cuts to Ellen coming back to Thea the can is gone. (00:27:20)
Correction: The can of soda is not gone. I watched that part 2 times just to be sure.

Corrected entry: When at the beach, the sexy foreign girl takes off her shorts and halter top and has on her bikini. One or two shots later, you can see her in the background with her shorts and halter top back on again.
Correction: This is because she starts to remove her bikini, and another classmate stops her and says something like "woah, we're not in the French Riviera." She starts putting her clothes back on after that.

Corrected entry: At the very end of the film they are shown on board the Coast Guard Cutter sailing into/toward the sunset. Since they are on the West coast they are headed out into the Pacific, not towards home/port.
Correction: The captain stated earlier that they were turning around to go after salmon poachers before Dean jumped off the back of the boat.

Corrected entry: As the vortex is going through, Frankenstein's monster is saying goodbye to Phoebe, while Phoebe is pleading with him to stay. At one point Phoebe is holding Frankenstein's monster with both hands. Then after he gets sucked into the vortex, she throws him her stuffed dog. How can she hold the monster with both hand and still keep the stuffed dog without it going into the vortex?
Correction: Earlier in the film, Phoebe is showed having the stuffed dog clipped to her belt. It could have easily been there before she tossed it to Frankenstein, keeping it from being sucked into the vortex.

Corrected entry: In the scene where James Caan goes to the funeral of his friend, he takes off his CIB and places it on the flag draped coffin. When you next see him outside on the steps of the church, his CIB is back in place over his medals. If he was so willing to give his badge to his dead friend, I doubt he would pick it up off the coffin and place it back on his uniform.
Correction: When moving a coffin for Military Honors, nothing should be on the coffin. Also a lot of military personnel take their badges off to put it on the coffin of a deceased friend. We then put it back on when the coffin is being moved so we can show our respect for Military Honors.
In this particular case, Hazard removed it forcibly from his uniform blouse, thereby destroying the backing on the pin, making it difficult (if not impossible) to replace on his uniform.

Corrected entry: Sam shoots Ray once, but in the next shot Ray has three bullet wounds. (00:22:35)
Correction: It was a shotgun blast so there would be multiple holes from the buck shot.

Corrected entry: When Ronald shows up mowing Cindy's lawn at 6am, it is fully bright outside. Not possible. It's January (since just after the New Year's Eve scene) and in Arizona during January, the sky is still fully dark at 6am (about 6:15 to 6:30 it would start getting a bit of daylight).
Correction: I believe several weeks, maybe even a couple of months have passed since New Year's Eve. After Cindy exposes their secret to everyone there are various scenes of Ronald trying to make amends with Kenneth and attempting to get Cindy to talk to him again. When Ronald stops Quint from beating up Kenneth and makes his final speech the jocks are all dressed in baseball uniforms indicating that it is spring. I believe the scene where Ronald woke Cindy up with his lawnmower actually occurred in March or maybe even April as opposed to January. I think we are supposed to assume a lot of time has passed from the time Cindy exposed Ronnie to the point where he finally got her attention with the lawnmower.

Corrected entry: When Lt. Proctor first spills the milkshake, it is on his lap. The next shot shows it on his legs.
Correction: Yes because when he stands up, the milkshake runs down his legs, obviously.
Correction: A road like that would probably not support the plane's weight, and a sandy desert is NOT a good place to put down, as the wheels would sink quickly in the sand, probably causing the plane to cartwheel. Planes of that size take a very long taxi when landing, and even if the road could support the weight, it would need an uninterrupted length of smooth pavement to make a landing. It's one reason even pilots in small aircraft rarely land on a road, but in a field or something nearby a road. Most roads also have wires, poles, etc along the sides, which a plane could very well be destroyed from. Wires are not visible at altitude, thus roads are not necessarily the best place to try to land in an emergency.