Kyoami: Are there no gods... no Buddha? If you exist, hear me. You are mischievous and cruel! Are you so bored up there you must crush us like ants? Is it such fun to see men weep?
Tango: Enough! Do not blaspheme! It is the gods who weep. They see us killing each other over and over since time began. They can't save us from ourselves.

Jane Coslaw: Aww, look out world, Marty the Great didn't get something he wanted.

Leroy Green: I do not even have a paint brush.

Harold Smith: Guard, protect and cherish your land, for there is no afterlife for a place that started out as Heaven. Charles M. Russell, Montana, 1926.

Patsy Cline: I can't stand it. Makes me want to scream and claw my face.

Chris Knight: Do you mind if I name my first child after you? "Dipshit Knight" has a nice ring to it.

Charley Partanna: Do I ice her? Do I marry her?

Rusty Dennis: First you told me he was gonna be retarded, then you told me he was gonna be blind and deaf. If I'd dug his grave every time one of you geniuses told me he was gonna die, I'd be eating fuckin' chop suey in China by now.

Herbert West: I know your work, Dr. Hill. Quite well. Your theory on the location of the will in the brain is... interesting. Though derivative of Dr. Gruber's research in the early 70s. So derivative in fact in Europe it's considered plagiarized.

Anne Shirley: Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.

Jack: Get the hell out of here now.
Fat Man: You get out of here fella. I'm trying to watch the Smurfs.
Jack: You're trying to watch the Smurfs?
Fat Man: Yeah.
Jack: Did you see the one where Papa Smurf took a crutch and smashed the shit out of a guy with a red hat? Did you see that one? You want to see that one? (Fat Man runs away).

Austin Millbarge: They're Afghani freedom fighters! They're on our side! WE'RE americans.

Etienne Navarre: Tell me everything that she said. And I warn you, I will know if the words are hers.