Old Mr.: Celie, you has my sympathy. Ain't many women allow they husband's ho to lay up in they house.
Shug: You sho is ugly.
Celie: He just climb on top of me and do his business.
Shug: "Do his business"? You sound like he going to the toilet on you.
Celie: That's what it feel like.
Shug: Why then, Miss Celie... that means you still a virgin.
Sophia: All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my uncles. I had to fight my brothers. A girl child ain't safe in a family of men, but I ain't never thought I'd have to fight in my own house.
Sofia: Sofia's happy now.
Shug: I's married now! I's married now.
Old Mr.: Boy, you goin' let this ol' nappy-headed girl cuss you out like that? You sittin' at the head of your own dinner table and actin' like the waiter.
Sofia: Sat in that jail, I sat in that jail til I near about done rot to death. I know what it like to wanna go somewhere and cain't. I know what it like to wanna sing... and have it beat out 'ya. I want to thank you, Miss Celie, fo everything you done for me. I 'members that day in the store with Miss Millie - I's feelin' real down. I's feelin' mighty bad. And when I seed you - I know'd there is a God. I know'd there is a God.
Shug: Do you mind if Albert sleep with me?
Celie: Do you like sleeping with him?
Sophia: I loves Harpo, God knows I do. But I'll kill him dead 'fo I let him beat me.
Miss Millie: You kids are so clean. You wanna come work for me, be my maid?
Sofia: Hell no.
Celie: Most time I pretend I ain't even there. He don't know the difference.
Celie: The jail you planned for me is the one you're gonna rot in.
Celie: Shug like honey. And now, I's just like a bee.
Celie: The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Squeak: You just a big ol' heifer.
Sofia: Now you want a dead son-in-law, Mrs. Celie? You just keep on advising him like you doing.