Cooper: Hulse, I want you to put a special mike on him tonight, one that isolates everything he plays from the rest of the orchestra. Carson, you link it into the gblx 1000 computer.
Maddy: The gblx?
Cooper: Yeah. That thing'll break any code.
Maddy: But that's in control of our entire missile defense system.
Cooper: Honey, will you please - what are the odds of the Russians attacking on a Thursday night?

Space Girl: The web of destiny carries your blood and soul back to the genesis of my lifeform.

Mombi III: Not beautiful you understand, but you have a certain prettiness, different from my other heads. I believe I'll lock you in the tower for a few years until your head is ready. And then I'll take it.
Dorothy: I believe you will NOT!

Sister Agnes: I don't understand what you're talking about. You want to talk about the baby, everbody wants to talk about the baby. But, I never saw the baby. So I can't talk about the baby, because I don't believe in the baby.

Bennett: They call him "The Giggler."
Paul Kersey: Jesus, he really moves.

Dogati: No more Wagner.

Mike Davison: It didn't go off.
Melanie Bryce: Oh yes it did.

Liza Chamberlain: Cody, do you cook?
Cody Abilene: Not much.
Liza Chamberlain: Well, what do you usually make for dinner?
Cody Abilene: Reservations.

Ben Luckett: So you think it's like Bernie said? We're cheating nature?
Mary Luckett: Yes.
Ben Luckett: Well I'll tell ya, with the way nature's been cheating us, I don't mind cheating her a little.

Luis Molina: The nicest thing about feeling happy is that you think you'll never be unhappy again.

Captain Rhodes: Go on run, run you fucking lunatics.

Street Pickup: Why don't you just go home?
Paul Hackett: Pal, I've been asking myself that all night.

Jason: What are you people doing here? We can't continue the story 'til Tom gets back.
Harold: Oh, we don't mind observing you all.
Harold's Wife: Yes. My husband is a student of the human personality.
Rita: Oh yeah, well we're not human.
Harold's Wife: It doesn't matter to Harold. He has trouble with humans.

Sheila: You were a rotten dancer.
Zach: Why do you think I became your choreographer?