Revealing mistake: When Dr. Menard is driving and discussing the zombie plague with the visitors, the "clean" part of the jeep's windshield (i.e. the path of the windshield wipers) appears to be cut out of the glass (probably to provide a better view of the actors and prevent the camera being reflected on the glass).

Revealing mistake: When Sweetums scares the girls out of the tent, watch the first girl that runs out screaming. If you look at her face closely, you can see that she is smiling.

Revealing mistake: After the waitress brings George his fresh cup of hot coffee, he immediate takes a sip, and it spills down his chin from being induced by dental anesthesia, instead of actually burning him.

Revealing mistake: Dave is racing with the Italians, and the Italian puts his pump in Dave's spokes. In the middle of the bike falling over, you see a horizontal beige object with duct tape on it for a couple of frames, where you should see Dave.

Revealing mistake: The bayonet used by Private Williams after the death of his Sergeant Major is flexible and made of rubber.

Revealing mistake: When Lindsay Bloom is revealed as bald it's obvious she's wearing a bald cap.

Revealing mistake: After Fritz throws the paper airplane, when it flies into the first locker and comes out through the last locker, the wire pulling the paper can be seen here and then again in a following shot. (00:16:05)

Revealing mistake: In the closeups the boy is holding a large leaf of seaweed to offer the stallion. But in the long shots at the waterfront he extends an empty hand with no seaweed visible.

Revealing mistake: Episode: Testimony of a Traitor (season 2): As the 'video' of Buck's former advocate/cohort begins, we see a disheveled man in uniform seated behind a desk in his bombed out office. The TV on his desk is an obvious late-70's model, and his video player is a vintage 1978 model. This show is supposed to be about the 25th Century, and the Treason video, based in 1987 - and Buck was an Air force commander - so you'd think this government officer friend would have more futuristic-looking technology in his office. (00:08:25 - 00:12:45)

Revealing mistake: When the purser's safe falls through the ceiling, the ceiling metal is far too thin. Bearing in mind also, that the on the other side of the ceiling metal is supposed to be the floor of the next deck up, and that too is a thin flimsy metal, that doesn't even appear that it could support any kind of weight.

Revealing mistake: Despite the heavy snowfall in Siberia, not a single flake falls on the people or clothes, nor is there any ice on them, revealing the snow is just footage matted over the scene.

Revealing mistake: In the fight against Apollo, Rocky's last punch of the second round conspicuously misses by a mile, but Apollo nonetheless acts like he has been punched, and there is a punch sound effect as well.

Revealing mistake: When the ghost (Bugs Bunny) tells Scrooge that he is going to take him to "the man in the red suit", the ghost puts his arms up but the shadow does not.

Revealing mistake: Just before the battle between King Arthur's men and Sir Mordred's men, Trimble Tom escapes from Sir Mordred's encampment in a rocket-powered chair. As he approaches King Arthur's Castle you can see the wires supporting the chair. (01:15:45)

Revealing mistake: When Cactus' feet get stuck on the glue, he actually makes a tiny jump, and his heels rise above the wooden planks, giving away the joke.

Revealing mistake: At the end of the movie, when Ben stakes vampire Susan in the heart, she throws her head back in pain and you can see her real teeth behind the fake vampire teeth.