Best movie revealing mistakes of 1979

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture picture

Revealing mistake: When the Enterprise is leaving its docking station and pulling out, two little bugs or debris from the model lands on the camera lens on the lower left corner (corrected in the Director's Edition).


More Star Trek: The Motion Picture revealing mistakes
Alien picture

Revealing mistake: Mirrors were used to make the corridors appear longer, early in the film when Brett is complaining to Parker about the way they are treated by the company you can see their reflections in the mirror behind them as they walk down the corridor. It's only for a second as they are moving off camera but you can see them in their white overalls.

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Apocalypse Now picture Apocalypse Now mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the major helicopter scene when Ride of the Valkyries is played, the actual tape isn't going over the playing heads. (00:37:29)

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Quadrophenia picture

Revealing mistake: During the end scooter sequence along the cliff tops, you can clearly make out wheel tracks stretching out ahead of Phil Daniels' bike, yet he hasn't been over that ground yet - these are presumably left-overs from a previous take?

More Quadrophenia revealing mistakes
The Jerk picture

Revealing mistake: When the sniper is shooting the cans, the close-up of the first can shows the metal peeling out as though the bullet had come from inside instead of outside.

More The Jerk revealing mistakes
Monty Python's Life of Brian picture

Revealing mistake: When the blind man is telling Brian he can see again and falls down in the pit, you can see the white mattress that he lands on. (01:01:10)

More Monty Python's Life of Brian revealing mistakes
The Warriors picture

Revealing mistake: As the gang is being chased through the "96th Street Station", you can see the true station name "Hoyt" (as in Hoyt-Schermerhorn Sts. Station) on the outer station wall. (00:42:50)

More The Warriors revealing mistakes
Dracula picture

Revealing mistake: There is a scene which features a nighttime view of Carfax Abbey, Dracula's home. This movie was set in the late 1800's/early 1900's, but if you look closely at the left-hand portion of the screen, you will see the lights of an airplane as it flies in the skies above the castle.

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Phantasm picture

Revealing mistake: You can see the stick making the finger move when it's in the box. (00:38:20)

More Phantasm revealing mistakes
The China Syndrome picture

Revealing mistake: When Godell is trying to get away from the company's goons, he races to the nuclear plant gate where he'd be safe. As he pulls up to the gate, you can already see the 'donut' skid marks left in the driveway from the goons' car when it turns around. But the car turns around AFTER Godell pulls up to the gate, so the donut must be from a previous take.


More The China Syndrome revealing mistakes
1941 picture

Revealing mistake: When the Ferris Wheel at the theme park has broken from its mounting and is rolling down the pier, it appears to be rolling forward but rotating anti-clockwise when if it is rolling forward it should be rotating clockwise.

More 1941 revealing mistakes
Mad Max picture

Revealing mistake: When the motorcycles are chasing the guy and his girl in the red car, one of the motorcycle riders attacks the car with a machete. He first hits the side of the car, and then goes to hit the windshield. Notice the windshield is already cracked prior to the machete making contact.


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Drunken Master 2 picture

Revealing mistake: In the final battle between Jackie and the main villain's henchmen, the villain throws burning alcohol at Jackie. Jackie puts out the fire the first time. The second time this happens and Jackie is rolling to avoid the flames, you can see his left leg of his trousers is already burning even before the flaming alcohol reaches him. (01:28:40)

More Drunken Master 2 revealing mistakes
Murder by Decree picture

Revealing mistake: As Holmes and Watson are riding home from Watson's stay in prison, in the background double traffic lines are visible as are concrete traffic barriers. These are a modern invention and out of place.

More Murder by Decree revealing mistakes
Hanover Street picture

Revealing mistake: The British intelligence officer Wells, who is being trained to infiltrate the Gestapo headquarters at Lyon, would never pass as a German because of his slight but still quite noticable accent. (00:47:45)


More Hanover Street revealing mistakes
Moonraker picture

Revealing mistake: During the laser battle inside the space station, one of the villains on one of the upper circular tiers makes a move as though to signify he was hit with a laser a second or two before the laser actually hits him.

Tobin OReilly

More Moonraker revealing mistakes
The Black Hole picture

Revealing mistake: When Dan Holland, Kate, V.I.N.CENT and old Bob battle Reinhard's robot sentries on the catwalk, part of the bridge the sentries stand on is critically damaged and collapses. In that shot, the sentries are model figurines.

More The Black Hole revealing mistakes
The Amityville Horror picture

Revealing mistake: You can see Jackie's knuckles are already bloody BEFORE she starts pounding on the closet door.

More The Amityville Horror revealing mistakes
A Little Romance picture

Revealing mistake: When the boy accidentally hits the old man with the ball, he falls over. Note that you can see the stuntman's full head of hair as he hits the ground. When you return to the close-ups of the old man as he gets up, that extra hair is gone.

More A Little Romance revealing mistakes
Escape from Alcatraz picture

Revealing mistake: At the start of the movie it's night and raining, but you do not see any drops of water hitting a surface anywhere although/but things appear to be wet. (00:00:58)

More Escape from Alcatraz revealing mistakes

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