Best movie quotes of 1979

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More All That Jazz quotes
The Villain picture

Cactus Jack: I come to speak with straight tongue.
Nervous Elk: Tongue may be straight, but mouth hide many sharp teeth.

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Captain America picture

Dr. Simon Mills: Your father developed and perfected the ultimate steroid. He synthesized it from his own adrenal gland and then, through long research, developed a super hormone. He called it 'Flag'. That's right, F.L.A.G. Full Latent Ability Gain.

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The Rose picture

Rose: What are we ladies? What are we? We are waitresses at the banquet of life! Get into that kitchen and rattle them pots and pans - and you better look pretty good doin' it too, 'else you gonna lose you good thing. And why do we do that, I'll tell you why we do that? We do that to find love - Oh I love to be in love - don't you love to be in love?

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More Hanover Street quotes
More American Graffiti picture

Terry 'The Toad' Fields: Oh, come on, look at me, I'm a free man! The war is over, and I win.

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Salem's Lot picture

Constable Parkins Gillespie: Not bothered by yowens?
Straker: Yowens?
Constable Parkins Gillespie: Kids. Local word. You know how kids like to devil new folks.

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Zombi 2 picture

Peter West: What is all this about the dead coming back to life again and... having to be killed a second time? I mean, what the hell's going on here?

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Manhattan picture

Isaac Davis: Years ago I wrote this short story about my Mother called "The Castrating Zionist"

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More Kramer vs Kramer quotes
The Concorde: Airport '79 picture

Alicia Rogov: I want to show the whole world that you don't need to be 15 and have the figure of boy to win a gold medal.

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The Amityville Horror picture

Kathy Lutz: I just wish that... all those people hadn't died here. I mean... ugh! A guy kills his whole family. Doesn't that bother you?
George: Well, sure, but... houses don't have memories.

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The Frisco Kid picture

Tommy: You sure talk funny. Where you born at?
Avram: Poland.
Tommy: Oh. Is that near Pittsburgh?
Avram: No, that's near Czechoslovakia.

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Unidentified Flying Oddball picture

Tom Trimble: Right after I'm burned at the stake I'll tell the whole story to King Arthur.
Senator Milburn: Would it not show more foresight to tell him before the burning?

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Agatha picture

John Foster: Why don't you charge the Colonel with obstructing the police?
Kenward: Yes, I might. On the other hand, it could be just the natural behavior of an arrogant overbearing high-ranking sod. Keep that off the record, by the way.

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Scavenger Hunt picture

Charles Bernstein: I'm Charles Bernstein. Attorney for the late Milton Parker.
Marvin Dummitz: You mean someone else is late now?

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The Onion Field picture

LAPD Captain: Any man who gives up his gun to some punk is a coward. Any man who does can kiss his badge goodbye, if I can help it. You're policemen. Put your trust in God.

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Prophecy picture

Maggie Verne: I believe him.
Dr. Robert Verne: Why?
Maggie Verne: Why would he have offered to let you test the water?
Dr. Robert Verne: Maybe it wasn't in the water.
Maggie Verne: Huh?
Dr. Robert Verne: Maybe it's heavier than water. That silvery stuff on your boot, is it dry?
Maggie Verne: Yes.
Dr. Robert Verne: They gave us a trick question in medical school. What's the only liquid in the world that isn't wet?
Maggie Verne: What was the answer?
Dr. Robert Verne: Mercury.

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