Best movie quotes of 1979

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Jin bi tong picture

Yin Chu: Golden Arm is as good as they say. With just his bare arms, he beat all of us. And if he had weapons.
Iron Feet Yang Hu Yun: Golden Arm never uses weapons. He claims he doesn't need them, and that using his bare arms is best. And, he's probably right.

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Beyond the Poseidon Adventure picture

Captain Mike Turner: In times of real trouble, the one thing man can depend on is the sympathy of the bank.

More Beyond the Poseidon Adventure quotes
Captain America picture

Dr. Simon Mills: Your father developed and perfected the ultimate steroid. He synthesized it from his own adrenal gland and then, through long research, developed a super hormone. He called it 'Flag'. That's right, F.L.A.G. Full Latent Ability Gain.

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