Factual error: In the opening scene that shows San Francisco scenery there is a shot of a large TV tower called Sutro Tower. The film takes place in 1960 and Sutro Tower wasn't built until 1973.

Continuity mistake: When the child serves the ice cream there is a difference in the size of the ice cream he serves and the spoonful he eats.

Continuity mistake: Lupin's car windows are blown away in the car chase, and he and Gingen break all the remaining shards of glass from them. They then return again when lupin pulls up to the princess' car, then disappear in the following shot.

Other mistake: The scene where the British army is crossing the Buffalo River is in the historic place but they are crossing in the wrong direction.

Factual error: After the turbine trip, Godell says that the reactor water level was "almost up to the steam lines." The fictional Ventana nuclear plant is described as being a pressurized reactor plant and could not possibly have such a problem.

Continuity mistake: As the two look-outs get on the big wheel the thin guy with the ventriloquist's dummy sits on the right. But later in the film he is on the left.

Factual error: All Borstal inmates were subject to the same mandatory haircut of short back and sides, yet many types of hairstyles are shown in the film.

Continuity mistake: When Halloran sets the barn on fire to distract the Germans he lights up some straw with a match. All of a sudden you see flames flickering up at various places which could not be caused by the fire he made. (01:32:45)

Continuity mistake: Following the shoot out between the Germans and the Greek partisans being aided by the English and American POW's, a German Officer leaps onto a motorbike and takes off into the narrow streets of the village. An American follows on a motorbike and sidecar. Towards the end of the chase the bikes 'jump' over a cart. The German Officer's cap flies off, yet as he tears into a courtyard he has his cap back on.

Plot hole: When Jack The Ripper checks his watch before confronting H.G. Wells and demanding the key, the hands point to 8:50, the ensuing chase to the museum and demise of the Ripper may have used up a half hour or so, yet the time on the wall clock indicates that it is midnight.
Suggested correction: Movie time and real time don't match, so 3 hours has passed without all 3 hours being shown. The fact that the clock now shows midnight is meant to explain this fact without the need for subtitles to reveal the time.

Factual error: In the PALOMINO scenes, Anthony Perkins wears a long lab coat. In most of the scenes, it hangs straight down; but in the low gravity aboard the ship it should be flattering about (that's why such loose garments are not worn by real-life cosmonauts; they would be a hindrance).

Visible crew/equipment: Young vampire Danny floats away from the window after being confronted with a crucifix. The effect is quickly ruined when the boom he is sitting on can be seen moving him for 8 seconds. (01:43:40)

Continuity mistake: In the scene when the aeroplanes have the dogfight, the German plane is in fact a Spitfire and the two British planes are in fact two Messerschmidt 109's. In the making of the film in Spain, they needed one German and two British planes for the scene, so the only way they could do it was to put British markings on the two Spanish Airforce Me 109's, which they had more of than Spitfires.

Audio problem: During the last fight between Jackie Chan and that well-dressed man, after the man gets his vest torn off by Chan, there passes a fight sequence with no audio whatsoever; you would expect to hear grunts and groans and hits, but some seconds pass with no audio.

Continuity mistake: During the time when Vince and Sheldon are on the highway, in the cab fleeing the bad guys in Tijada , the same cars can be seen over and over again between shots.

Plot hole: In one scene saboteurs rig the Concorde's cargo door to automatically open suddenly in flight, on the principle that the rapid decompression will cripple the airplane & cause it to crash. At the critical time the door does start to open, but jams and only opens very slightly. Minutes go by, with the ajar hatch allowing air to freely pass through. Then, suddenly, the door unjams, and the compartment is shown losing air pressure dangerously fast. Problem is, that since the door had been cracked open for several minutes, the air pressure would surely have gotten to equilibrium by that time. (01:32:45 - 01:36:30)

Visible crew/equipment: If you look closely, you can see the camera and crew reflected in the cars passing while the camera follows Isaac running down the street.

Factual error: When Brian fires a rifle at the shark from the boat, he fires the rifle multiple times very quickly. The rifle he is using is a bolt action rifle, which must have a bolt part moved before each fire. He does not touch the bolt.

Continuity mistake: When Watson is conned by the prostitute who says she knows Mary Kelly, she lures him into a closed alley. After Watson has called the police and subdued the attacker, 2 constables arrive and arrest Watson, but as they all leave, a third constable comes from behind the camera. Either he magically appeared, or he walked through the wall behind.

Continuity mistake: During the seduction scene, as George and Jenny attempt to make love to Ravel's "Bolero", the record gets stuck. George throws a pillow at the record player, closing its lid and "unsticking" the record. But when George later turns off the record player, the lid is open again.