Porthos: May one ask - delicately - the cause in which we're expected to die?
Aramis: When you go on a campaign, does the King give his reasons? He says, "Porthos, fight!" and you fight.
Porthos: Oh, I do, I do.
Aramis: Then let's go and be killed where we're told to! Is life worth so many questions?
Wilbur: Are you writers?
Charlotte's daughters: No, but we will be when we grow up.
Wilbur: Then write this in your webs, when you learn: This hallowed doorway was once the home of Charlotte. She was brilliant, beautiful, and loyal to the end. Her memory will be treasured forever.
Charlotte's daughters: Ooh, that would take us a lifetime.
Wilbur: A lifetime. That's what we have.
Sinbad: You pace the deck like a caged beast, for one who enjoys the hashish you should be more at peace.
Sally Brown: What's the matter, big brother?
Charlie Brown: Nothing. I was just checking the mailbox.
Sally Brown: What did you expect, a turkey card?
Mr. Bromley: It's not enough to boggle David, actions speak louder than boggles.
John Baggs Jr.: We love each other.
Maggie Paul: Love is shit with sugar on it.
Harve Poole: Incompetence is the worst form of corruption.
Sheriff Joe Bob Thomas: Dammit, Billy Boy, how many times have I told you to leave that Cajun alone? Her daddy and her daddy's daddy's been huntin' these gators in these swamps for a hundred years. And ain't me or no newfangled law's gonna change that! Now it's murder. I've gotta go in and drag that wildcat out, and the only way you get those swamp rats out is dead!
Dutch Schnell: Skip the facts, just gimme the details.
Harold DeMilo: Are you blackmailing me Mr Mahoney?
Curtis Mahoney: Goodness no... I'm just an average person with an above average curiosity... and of course I don't make make friends easy.
Dan Freeman: You have just played out the American dream... and now, we're gonna turn it into a nightmare.
Laura Baxter: This one who's blind. She's the one that can see.
Peregrine Devlin: You begin to resent an actor if you always have to give him bad notices.
Mike: You'll like Bath... better class of fuck in Bath.