Harry Stoner: Everybody misses.
Margo: Not professionals.
Harry Stoner: Oh yeah, professionals too. Quarterbacks get knocked down, nurses get knocked up, somebody invented the Edsel. Everybody misses.
Myra: Are you OK? Do you want something?
Harry Stoner: Yes. I want that girl in a Cole Porter song. I wanna see Lena Horne at the Cotton Club - hear Billie Holiday sing fine and mellow - walk in that kind of rain that never washes perfume away. I wanna be in love with something. Anything. Just the idea. A dog, a cat. Anything. Just something.
Fred Mirrell: Harry, it's all those goddamn operations, the woman's all scarred up. I need these little diversions.
Harry Stoner: The government has a word for survival. It's called fraud.
Harry Stoner: We got a movie we've gotta see.
Sid Fivush: Movie? They ain't made a good movie in thirty years.