Stupidity: At the start of the episode, the Brunnen-G planet is about to be under attack by His Shadow in a big ship that is capable of destroying the surface of the planet and everybody on it in under a minute with its fire power. It seems the Brunnen-G had time to respond, seeing as they send a counter measure against His Shadow... Except that they only send a single squadron of 6 fighters. Their planet is about to be obliterated by His Shadow's killer ship, and they only send up 6 fighters. And of course, they fail and all die except for Kai. (00:01:45)

Continuity mistake: Kai tells his squadron to have good luck and his mouth is hanging open a little after he says that. Then it cuts to a close up before he says "very very good luck" and suddenly his mouth is fully closed before he speaks. (00:02:50)
Question: How in blazes do 790 and the other robot heads, when they are attached to cyborg bodies, eat, drink and breathe for their biological bodies? I never see anything like either a functional nose/air intake or functional jaw and mouth (for food intake, as opposed to speech) for these things. I never see any such bio-interface on the bottom of 790's head when he is held upside-down etc... Also, what is the power source for 790's kind's actual robot head, since we never see him plug into an outlet, fuel up etc.
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