Miles Matheson: We lived in an electric world. We relied on it for everything. And then the power went out. Everything stopped working. We weren't prepared. Fear and confusion lead to panic. The lucky ones made it out of the cities. The government collapsed. Militias took over, controlling the food supply and stockpiling weapons. We still don't know why the power went out, but we're hopeful that someone will come and light the way.
Allison Clarke: My grandfather used to tell my mom that kids should never have to worry about anything more serious than baseball. Everything you need to know is there. It has success and failure, moments when you come together and moments where you stand alone. And it has an ending. Not a clock, like in other sports, but an ending. And that, my grandfather said to my mom, is as close as a kid should have to come to that sort of thing.
Mxyzptlk: Your three months are up! And this time you're not gonna cheat me of my fun.
Superman: Oh, it's you again, Mr. Kltpzyxm.
Mxyzptlk: NOT Kltpzyxm! Mxyzptlk! Now,  the first thing I'm gonna do - ah, nuts! [Disappears.].
Dr. Venture: Dean, you smell like a whore.
Brian Finch: You remember a lot more than you think you do. Every experience you've ever had, every idea that came to you in the shower and then slipped away while you were brushing your teeth... it's all there for the taking.
Thomas Veil: Soon, all my memories will be gone. Without ceasing to breathe, I will cease to exist.
Henry Foss: All access pass to Spookville. Comes with a free lunch and a decoder ring.
Beware of Mexicans Delivering Milk - S6-E15
Penfold: Ah, good morning milkman, I'm just going to do my exercises.
El Loco: Ah si, you run, eh, you swim, you jump.
Penfold: No I lift the milk bottles.
El Loco: Guantanamera gringo.
Penfold: Er, no thanks, but we want some on Saturdays.
El Loco: If Saturday ever comes, eh?
Penfold: Erm, pardon?
El Loco: No importa! Hasta la vista!
Penfold: No just my pyjamas! Cor you can always tell whether they've been to Majorca for their hols. He even looks like that vicious Mexican bandit El Loco.
Darien Fawkes: The Scottish philosopher Balfour said that destiny is the scapegoat we make responsible for our crimes. He was probably right, too, but I bet he was real dull at parties.
Narrator: No matter where he travels, one thing will always be the same: man himself. Human nature will not change in the strange outposts of space. There will always be love and hate, courage and fear, and even greed. This is the story of an expedition to a distant world that was brought to the brink of disaster by one man's greed.
Commander John Koenig: Now we're sitting on the biggest bomb man's ever made.