Best sci-fi TV quotes of all time

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Andromeda picture

Dylan Hunt: It's a little known law of thermodynamics: The Conservation of Optimism: There's only so much to go around.

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ALF (1986)

ALF picture

ALF: Kate, have I ever lied to you?
Kate: Yes. Several times.
ALF: I meant today.

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The Greatest American Hero picture

Ralph Hinkley: Bill, I've got an idea.
Bill Maxwell: Good, put it to me in a letter, I'll try to get back to you by the end of the month.

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Westworld picture

Man in Black: This whole world is a story. I've read every page except the last one. I need to find out how it ends. I want to know what this all means.
Lawrence: See, now that's why I never learned to read.

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No Ordinary Family picture

No Ordinary Animal - S1-E18

J.J.: So far this guy's only attacked supers. So he must have known somehow that Katie has powers.
Katie: How? I didn't even know I had powers. And also, how the hell do I have powers?


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Dark Angel picture

Normal: Well, well, well... so far, your moron colleagues have come up with the following excuses for why you're strolling in here at the crack of noon - you had a dental emergency, your aunt died... again, and my personal favorite from this idiot - you were detained by the sector police for practicing witchcraft. Now, would you care to further insult my intelligence?
Max Guevara: I overslept.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine picture

The Way of the Warrior (1) - S4-E1

Julian Bashir: They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your clavicle!
Elim Garak: Ah, but I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos.

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Torchwood picture

Captain Jack Harkness: Captain Jack Harkness, note the stripes.
Captain John Hart: Captain John Hart, note the sarcasm.
Captain Jack Harkness: Hey, I worked my way up through the ranks.
Captain John Hart: I bet the ranks were very grateful.

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The Andromeda Strain picture

Dr. Jeremy Stone: So, you're saying they survived Andromeda because they had the same level of stomach acid? That's brilliant.

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The Prisoner picture

Number 6: Unlike me, many of you have accepted the situation of your imprisonment, and will die here like rotten cabbages.

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Fringe picture

Phillip Broyles: Someone out there is experimenting, only the whole world is their lab.

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Mork & Mindy picture

Mork's Mixed Emotions - S1-E20

Orson: You opened the door to your emotions, didn't you?
Mork: Yes, Sir.
Orson: You realise you've broken the highest Orkan law. It is my duty to report you to the Council.
Mork: I understand. But I don't regret what I've done, sir. You see, for the first time in my life, I feel really alive, I feel fantastic! Oh, I wish you could try it! I wish you could feel some of the things I've been feeling!
Orson: Impossible. I could never do that. They'd throw me in prison.
Mork: Oh, I don't mean to be disrespectful, your immenseness, but until you can marvel at a rainbow after a storm or rejoice at seeing a baby walk for the first time, or hold someone and have them feel the same warmth inside as you feel close to them outside - until you can do these things, aren't you already in prison?

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Relic Hunter picture

Sydney Fox: I'm talking about something much more serious than a curse! I'm talking about a crazy woman in a bustier.

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