Best sci-fi TV quotes of all time

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X-Men: Evolution picture

Rogue: My power is your power and I can take more than one.

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Batman picture

Narrator: This was part of a foreign land, transplanted bodily to America and known as Little Tokyo. Since a wise government rounded up the immoral hoods, it has become virtually a ghost street, where only one business survives, eking out a precarious existence on the dimes of curiosity-seekers.

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X-Men '97 picture

Remember It - S1-E5

Valerie Cooper: Most other nations don't allow a terrorist to be their leader.
Magneto: Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists.


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The Dead Zone picture

Reverend Purdy: I destroy my enemy when I make him my friend.

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The Handmaid's Tale picture

Moira: Hey, that shit is contagious. You want to see your baby girl again? Then you need to keep your fucking shit together.

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The Pretender picture

Miss Parker: You shouldn't underestimate Jarod. And you should never underestimate me. And the next time that you send me into a building that is gonna explode, it had better blow, because if it doesn't it's gonna be your gray matter they will be mopping up with a toothbrush.

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Phil of the Future picture

Keely Teslow: She's in Indonesia.
Phil Diffy: You have your latitude and longitude mixed up. She's next to Kid Rock and Ricki Lake.
Keely Teslow: I know a shortcut through Tiger Woods.

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Roswell picture

Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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The Invisible Man picture

Darien Fawkes: By the way, I want my tombstone to say, "Too late, he's already dead." You know, just in case more people show up wanting to screw my life over.

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Men Into Space picture

Narrator: No matter where he travels, one thing will always be the same: man himself. Human nature will not change in the strange outposts of space. There will always be love and hate, courage and fear, and even greed. This is the story of an expedition to a distant world that was brought to the brink of disaster by one man's greed.

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Sliders picture

Just Say Yes - S4-E7

Agent Lowell: That's Mallory all right. Busted twice for non-possession. Jumped bail a year ago and ran off to Mexico.
Damon: I heard he died of an under-dose.
Agent Lowell: Same here. I guess we were wrong, huh? It's a safe bet Mallory snuck back into the country to spread more of his anti-drug propaganda. A guy like that shouldn't be on the street.


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Grimm picture

Nick Burkhardt: I guess you don't have to be a hexenbiest to be a witch.
Adalind Schade: You don't have to be a witch to work this kind of magic.

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UFO (1970)

UFO picture

Col. Paul Foster: What about our evidence? They've got to take notice of that.
Ed Straker: Evidence. What's it going to look like when Henderson claims that we manufactured it, just to get a space clearance program?
Col. Paul Foster: But we are right.
Ed Straker: Sometimes, Colonel, that's not quite enough.

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Power Rangers Megaforce picture

Narrator: Our world was once a safe and happy place until evil aliens arrived with one plan: to destroy Earth. Gosei, Earth's ancient guardian, awoke and called on a new team of teenagers to fight off this new threat. They are the Power Rangers Megaforce.

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The Mandalorian picture

Chapter 8: Redemption - S1-E8

Greef Karga: He missed!
The Mandalorian: He won't next time.
Cara Dune: Our blasters are useless against him.
Greef Karga: Hey, let's make the baby to the magic hand thing. Come on, baby! [Waving his fingers] Do the magic hand thing. [The Child coos.] I'm out of ideas.


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Taken picture

Allison Clarke: Is every moment of our lives built into us before we're born? If it is, does that make us less responsible for the things we do? Or is the responsibility built in too? After you hit the ball, do you stand and wait to see if it goes out, or do you start running and let nature take its course?

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Power Rangers Turbo picture

Alpha 6: Yo yo yo, whatcha talkin' about?

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The Venture Bros. picture

Brock Samson: Don't you have nothing else to do but harp on Dr. Venture? Why haven't you tried the World Domination thing, you afraid of the big leagues?
The Monarch: Please. How stupid do I look to you? World Domination. I'll leave that to the religious nuts or the Republicans, thank you.

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Planet of the Apes picture

Urko: These humans are dangerous, don't you understand that? They think that they're as good as we are.

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