Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month - S3-E7
Audio problem: There is a high-pitched feedback noise that is only audible every time one particular camera is being shown during this scene. (00:10:35)
Audio problem: When Mrs. Moore calls for her dog, Pookie, the sound does not match her lips moving.
Audio problem: When Reid and Morgan are walking up the stairs to the first victim's apartment they are talking, but their mouths aren't moving. (00:06:05)
Audio problem: 1897: Quentin challenges Barnabas by pulling a decorative sword from a wall display and pointing it at his throat. Unfortunately, the display wasn't all that well attached to the set wall. Though the camera pans away, you can hear a loud clunk as the piece falls, followed by the loud crash of shattering glass as it strikes and breaks a table lamp. You can also see the actors struggling very hard to keep straight faces as they continue with their lines.
The Girl Who Was Death - S1-E15
Audio problem: For some reason, "Londonderry Air" was dubbed over the original song being performed by the actors/singers. Their lips aren't moving in sync with the words at all.
Audio problem: When Demming writes "Stolen books" on the white board and says, "Killed for a fortune in stolen books, so I'll run the work crews and see if anybody has priors", his lips don't match what he's saying at all.
Audio problem: When Prue is at the dentist, she grabs a guy and he says, "What, what did I do?" to his girlfriend, but his lips do not move.
Cartman Gets an Anal Probe - S1-E2
Audio problem: After the scene where Mr. Garrison says, "You can say that again, Mr. Hat," Kyle shouts, "Give me back my brother you stupid aliens" in Stan's voice.
Audio problem: In one scene, when Warrick is in the prints lab, Nick claps his hands twice, but the sound track has him clapping three times.
Provenance - S1-E19
Audio problem: When Sarah goes to touch Evelyn's shoulder, you hear Sam's voice telling her to stop, except his mouth isn't moving at the time the phrase is being uttered. (00:23:50)
Audio problem: In the scene where Mr. Eko dies, he starts saying "Psalm 23." He says the first line, but when it cuts to him backing away he's half way through (note: righteousness). (00:38:30)
All Americans - November 6, 1962 - S2-E14
Audio problem: During the speech where Al tells Sam to quit (to force Chewie to play), Sam says he can't quit but his mouth doesn't move for a couple seconds after the words start playing.
Audio problem: When Jerry uses the elevator, the voice of the computer reads out the floors as "twenty-third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor" etc, missing out the "twenty-" prefix until the 29th floor. The DVD subtitles list these numbers with their prefix, so this was not intentional. (00:21:10)
Audio problem: When singing "Goodbye little yellow bird" Emma blows a kiss to Oliver offstage, but she is still singing the song when she is blowing the kiss. Although it's possible she was pretending as it was part of the act, her voice wasn't even muffled by her hand.
Number One - S1-E7
Audio problem: In the scene where Kim is running across grass-covered Japan to stop Duff Killigan, when she talks her lips don't move along to the words.
Audio problem: When Mac and co. enter the basement of the house in Queens (the one where the third woman was found) the record player lifts off its needle and moves to another spot on the record, cutting off the sound for a second. However, the music starts again slightly before the needle hits the record.
The Quick and the Wed - S2-E15
Audio problem: When Kendal is at the prison talking to Aaron, she says, "Impressive handle," but you can see her reflection in the glass and her mouth isn't moving.
Audio problem: In episode 1x08, "Swimming With Boyd", when Lucas is talking to Julie on the street, the audio looping as he says "Listen to me" is quite noticeable - his lips don't even come close to matching what we hear.
Audio problem: When Deb tells Angel to "look up" warning him of the security camera, Angel moves his lips as though he's talking but there is no audible dialogue. A few seconds later, his lips stop moving but then his audible lines are spoken. Then, again, there is no dialogue, but his lips move again. (00:07:15)
Day 2: 2:00 A.M.-3:00 A.M. - S2-E19
Audio problem: When Tony tells Michelle that he told the president about the chip Jack found, they cut to a different angle, and Tony is still speaking, but his lips aren't moving.