Be Careful What You Witch For - S2-E22
Plot hole: When teenage Prue has run away with the demon, and Phoebe and Piper find her in the park, teenage Prue is 'killed'. Her sisters drive her home to get Leo to heal her, but shouldn't they have just been able to call to Leo to orb to them when Prue was first hurt, and heal her in the park, and save driving back to the Manor, risking Prue dying?
Suggested correction: I see orbing to the park but he didn't heal her, she was already dead and he can't heal the dead, that's why the genie brought her back - that's what Phoebe wished for.
But if they would have called for him right away - he would have been able to heal her before she died. However at this point in time I don't think they knew how to call for him.

Plot hole: Hippolyta tells Hawkgirl of Aresia's background of being born in the outside world, the war in her country and right up to her drifting to the shores of Themyscira. It would be impossible for her to know anything of Aresia's background as in part two, it's explained that the captain of the ship who saved Aresia died shortly after reaching Themyscira and therefore would not have been able to tell Hippolyta anything.

Plot hole: In the episode where Jessica went home to her family's house in season 2, Bill said "someone who lives here must invite me in." In this episode, Russell Edgington's wolf (Coota) invites Russell into Alcide's apartment. Also, in Season 6 Sarah Newlin recinds Jessica's invitation into Jason's house (which only Jason should be able to do).

SpongeBob Meets the Strangler / Pranks a Lot - S3-E20
Plot hole: In "Pranks A Lot", Patrick and SpongeBob scare Sandy. When Sandy runs, gets into her rocket and flies away. When she moved bubbles appeared meaning there's water in her tree house. There's no water in there in other episodes because she's a land animal and breathes air.

Father Time! / Apartnership! - S1-E4
Plot hole: Timmy uses his heat vision, that he previously wished for, to win the race for his future dad. But it's revealed later in "Smarty Pants" that if you use a previous wish in a contest, it is magically taken away because it's cheating.
Suggested correction: That is true, that rule was mentioned in a later episode. However in the episode Christmas Every Day, it was revealed that new rules could be added at anytime. So it's possible that the rule simply didn't exist yet. Although, this plot hole may apply to any episode released after "Smarty Pants."

Darkness and Light: Part 1 - S1-E11
Plot hole: When Hulk and Banner have been physically separated by the nutrient bath, they are both wearing tattered pants. Given that Hulk and Banner were previously occupying the same body, this should not be possible. Hulk was the one that went into the nutrient bath, so if Banner's body was separated from Hulk, then Banner should be naked.
Suggested correction: It was done deliberately as a form of censorship. They didn't want to show Bruce's genitals.
Explaining why the mistake occurred doesn't invalidate it. Unless you're suggesting the nutrient bath also was able to duplicate the pants.
You realise a character can be drawn naked without actually showing their genitals (and/or breasts in the case of women), right? The Little Mermaid is a good example of this.

Plot hole: Officer Jenny asks Ash what he knows about the "trio" when he tells her that the pirates are likely Team Rocket, but he hadn't said anything about there being three of them before that. And Jenny obviously didn't know anything about Team Rocket, either. (00:05:30)

Shift Into Turbo: Part I - S1-E1
Plot hole: Divatox and co. live in a submarine in Angel Grove lake. In "Hogday Afternoon", Angel Grove lake was drained to about 30ft at the deepest. The lake would have to be several hundred feet deep for a large submarine to hide there.

Santa Comes to Visit and Stays and Stays - S6-E14
Plot hole: Mrs. Kravitz, while standing in the Stephenses' front doorway, sees Santa Claus and assumes that it's Darrin in costume. However, the very next shot shows Santa exiting the kitchen (around the corner from the front door) and starting up the hallway toward the living room. There is no possible way Mrs. Kravitz could have seen him when she said she did. (00:09:30)

The Would-Be Prince of Darkness - S1-E3
Plot hole: During the credits, Chloe said of the victim "coroner puts her time of death between 1 and 3am", and she does indeed ask Ty's obsessive fan / ex-gf where has she been during that timeframe. When she looks at the security tape, the timecode starts rolling at 22:18 and goes on "for 3 hours." That does not account for the time of the murder at all, she has no alibi for the second half of the suspected timeframe! Not to mention, she said she saw Ty kiss the victim. When could she possibly have seen that? It's unlikely that before 10pm Ty was already drunk and getting randy with the girl, with the house full of guests. (00:25:00)

Doug's Shock Therapy / Doug Is Hamburger Boy - S3-E11
Plot hole: Doug recalls previous years (in a flashback, where he was next to Skeeter at the window of the Honker Burger as they looked outside) of seeing the Hamburger Boy when Mr. Dink is confessing that he *was* Hamburger Boy. However, Doug has only been living in Bluffington for one year - this was his first summer there.

Plot hole: Jim taking over Sam's body just doesn't make any sense. It's plausible for a spirit to temporarily take over a living body, but a dead body is dead for a reason. It can't sustain life anymore. Death isn't a temporary ailment. It's permanent. What should have happened was the same thing that happened when another ghost took over a recently deceased person, which happened in a previous episode. The dead body would decay and start to lose function. Sam's body suddenly gaining back the properties of life is completely inconsistent with what we're led to believe in the setting of the show.
Suggested correction: This is a fictional show that pushed the boundaries and constantly changed the rules; how is this a mistake?
I tell myself that Sam's injuries were not as extensive as prom ghost so his body was able to stay alive.
I think what happened is that Sam jumped out and went into the light before they were able to revive him. Had he waited just a few more seconds next to his body He would have gone right back in. Some people die for a few seconds, and then they're able to bring them back through CPR or using the paddles and shocking his heart, etc.

Plot hole: The ghosts cannot cross the front gate since they died on the mansion's property, however, the Viking and Native American died before the property was laid out, so they should not be limited by the later boundary lines.

Plot hole: People who do not have their souls retrieved, before they are killed, will suffer the effects of the death on their soul, eg. the autopsied man has scars and cuts on his soul. So how come the woman who was crushed by a piano (whose soul was only ever retrieved afterwards) is unharmed in soul form?

Robo Koopa - S1-E52
Plot hole: Near the end, Robo Koopa sets down Dr. Nerdnik after he had just captured and held him hostage. Why would he do that? (00:11:55)

Plot hole: In the bait and switch section, why does anyone involved agree to Leland being Ben's attorney when both victims are relatives of Leland? Neither Ben nor any of the police are in on Cooper's plan, and it seems implausible at best that they would agree to this.

The Wedding - S5-E11
Plot hole: In the episode "There Goes the Bride," Haji warns Jeannie that she will lose her powers if she marries Tony. Yet, she marries him in this episode and does not lose her powers.