Factual error: 2-7 "The Crimsom Avenger": At Dunwyn Erwyllan grabs a bundle of money bills from a fishmonger. It may be just a curiosity since paper money wasn't used in real medevial times, but it is still odd as gold coins are still in heavy use in all other episodes. Even the royal treasury, which is robbed in this very episode, has only bags of coins and no bundles of paper money.

Wavelength - S3-E8
Factual error: When Cyborg learns the hard way that Bumblebee can fly, his inbuilt Sonic Cannon rips a hole into the wall which glows with heat. A sonic weapon does not work with heat; it would shatter the wall, not melt it.

Factual error: The scenery is set in Berlin, following the 1989 Re-Union of Germany. Only thing is: the guards at the archive building use AK-47s, while after the Re-Union, the East German National People's Army and the West German Bundeswehr (Federal Defense Force) were joined - and the West Germans don't use any AKs.

Factual error: Towards the end of the episode, Mason reads a report on Daisy's death indicating she died 13 December 1938 in Marietta Georgia of smoke inhalation. It apparently was common knowledge that Daisy died on the set of Gone with the Wind (supported in the Halloween episode by someone who knew her when she was alive). The filming of the big fire scene in GWTW was 10 December 1938 so the dates are pretty close. But these early parts of the production of GWTW (and I believe the rest of the movie as well) were filmed in Culver City, CA, not Marietta. (00:34:50)

Factual error: Megatron tells Ravage that the Golden Disc was launched aboard the Voyager spacecraft, just as the Great War between Autobots and Decepticons began. Either Megatron is wrong or Cybertonian history is wrong, because Voyager was launched in 1977, and the Great War didn't begin until 1984 (the first season of The Transformers), seven years later. The disc can be read by lasers, but it was in fact an analog recording (as digital recording did not exist until the early 1980s with the compact disc). Just as well, the disc was only twelve inches wide; it looks much bigger in Beast Wars.

Factual error: When Starfire gets out of the totalled car, there is a road sign visible. It is a settlement exit sign, denoting the exit of Königsstetten and Zeiselmauer as next settlement ahead. Obviously the makers tried to be extra thorough nailing down their "outside Vienna" location. They started OK - both Königsstetten and Zeiselmauer actually ARE outside Vienna - but then they completely botched it: Not only did they use a German black-on-yellow "StVO Zeichen 331" instead of the Austrian "StVO Hinweiszeichen 17b" which has black writing on a white base with a blue rim and doesn't list the next settlement, but they also put 852km as the distance to the next settlement, which is more than the length of Austria west to east. The real distance is 3.8km.

Factual error: When we see Dan's computer while he's running the trace there are 4 results shown, but they're all the same:, an impossible IP address.

Factual error: Will's hospital chart states he is taking Warfarin and Coumadin. These are both the same drug to prevent blood clots. He would not be on both. (00:31:50)

Factual error: CDR Crighton has on his astronaut flight suit. He is wearing an American flag on his right upper arm. But the flag has the field of stars to his rear. It is a flag designed to be worn on the left arm, not the right.

Factual error: As Eleanor walks in the corridor to Chidi's office at St. John's University, there's an exit sign mounted in the ceiling above her - a North American style red Exit sign. As she is in Australia, it should either a white on green Exit sign or an international "running man" style sign, as North American style signs were never legal in Australia. (00:20:55)

Triumvirate of Terror! - S3-E8
Factual error: During the final fight in Lex's lair, Joker gives Batman a good smack with his large hammer. As is common in this show, when a good hit is delivered, a freeze frame is show with the figures moving in slow motion with a stylized colorful backdrop to add to the drama dynamics. But as Joker delivers this hit and this stylized shot is shown, the show cuts to some inmates in a prison cell watching the fight on TV. The same stylized shot is shown on their TV, where it would be show like that there, only to us. They would have just seen Joker hit Batman with the hammer and him fly off in real time with no stylized back drop or slow mo. (00:20:00)

Yomigaere! Eiyuu Densetsu - S1-E1
Factual error: When Seiya cuts off Cassios' ear, it pulses on the floor like it's a beating heart. There can hardly be a muscle twitch in a severed ear. (00:05:30)

Factual error: Many of the Royal Navy details are completely wrong. The submarine captain's cap badge is not that of the Royal Navy. "Midshipman" Leonard wears the insignia of a chief petty officer. "Officer" (not a naval rank) Neal wears the insignia of a petty officer. "Officer" Shaw wears the insignia of an able rating. The Flag Office Submarines is depicted as a full admiral, whereas in fact he was a rear-admiral and the position no longer exists.

Factual error: The conversation between Taylor and Michelle tells us that school is over for the day and that Taylor talked to her crush at lunch. When the boy shows up at the bakery later, he and Taylor plan to meet at 3 that afternoon; if its before 3, they should still be in school.

Robo Koopa - S1-E52
Factual error: Koopa tries to kill the Mario brothers, Bunsun and Dr. Nerdnik by pushing an electric pole at them. Mario and Luigi use a nearby fire hydrant to protect them by having water rush out of it and keeping the pole from crushing them. There is no way a single blast of water can stop a large pole from falling, and the brothers would have been electrocuted as soon as the water hit the pole. (00:07:00)

Factual error: As Ren enters Renautas and meets Emily, the word "Welcome" keeps scrolling in various languages on the screens in the background. Although hardly seen, the Hebrew is wrong, as it is reversed (text from left-to-right, as opposed to right-to-left).

Factual error: At the end when Skeksis enters the crystal chamber, in the overhead shot you can see 22 arcane symbols around the crystal when there should only be 18, one for each exiled skeksis. (00:45:53)

Factual error: The group finds an underground sea and there is a flock of pterosaurs flying overhead. The professor identifies the pterosaurs as the missing link between pterodactyls and archaeopteryx. This is not true as archaeopteryx (and other birds) did not descend from pterosaurs but from a branch of theropod dinosaurs.

Factual error: When Mr Gore destroys the television set, it is obviously a prop, as when he breaks the screen there is no noise, in reality there would be a loud bang as there is a vacuum behind a TV screen of that era.

Factual error: In Massachusetts, Atticus, Leti and George are attacked by the local sheriff and his deputies, who are patrolling the county roads. In Massachusetts, sheriffs run the county jails, but they do not (and did not) handle routine policing, which is the responsibility only of municipal police departments.