Edd: Ed no! You're too young to drive.

Witchiepoo: Stop eating your popcorn and be quiet.

The Secret of the Unicorn: Part 1 - S1-E3
Tintin: He looks exactly like you.
Captain Haddock: Yes, he is good looking.

Willis Jackson: Arnold's always under my feet. I'll never have any privacy until he gets married.
Arnold Jackson: Married? On MY allowance?

The Catwoman: You dismal bird! You and your submarine, Where has it got us now?
The Penguin: Shut up, you feline floozy.

Hoss Delgado: Give it to us straight, Goodburger. Is our little Remus.
Mandy: Billy.
Hoss Delgado: ...Billy, on the bullet train to Smartsville, or is he riding the slow pony to the rubber forest?

Louis Stevens: I am making a quality cucumber shake here.
Ren Stevens: Not on my time.

Keith: Form Blazing Sword.

Robbie Douglas: Beanbrain.
Mike Douglas: Knothead.

Martha Quinn: If someone asks you for directions, stop. Think about it for a moment, and if you don't know the best way for them to go, smile and tell them cheerfully that you can't help them and they should ask someone else. Giving someone directions that you're not sure about, even if you're just trying to help, is a bad idea. Don't be a hero. No directions are better than bad directions.

Tony: Hey look at this nose. I fractured this nose three times and I can still smell.
Samantha Micelli: Yeah! I broke my finger twice and I can still dial.
Mona Robinson: I once fractured my pelvis.
Tony: Yeah, and she can still dance.