Maggie Katherine Malone Seaver: Carol, how dare you disobey us.
Jason: I never thought I would ever say that but Carol Ann Seaver, you're grounded.
Carol: Wait.
Maggie Katherine Malone Seaver: No explanations. You are not getting a nose job.
Carol: I know.
Jason: What?
Carol: I'm not getting a nose job.
Jason: Don't confuse us by agreeing with us, Carol.

Laurie Partridge: ...I have got the greatest news.
Keith: You're taking your own apartment?

Witchiepoo: Stop eating your popcorn and be quiet.

Andros: Let's Rocket.

Balki Bartokomous: Hi, cousin! I just baked a big batch of bing bong binki binki bakalava.
Larry Appleton: ...Bing bong binki binki bakalava?
Balki Bartokomous: Bingo! Want a big bite, booby?
Larry Appleton: Better not, buddy.
Balki Bartokomous: ...bummer.
Larry Appleton: Bitter, Balki?
Balki Bartokomous: You bet your Bibby Babkas I'm bitter, baby! I busted my butt baking these itty bitty binkis, and believe me, I banked on a bit of basic brotherly bolstering.
Larry Appleton: Balki, buddy, baby.

Gomez Addams: Race you to the swamp, last one there's a fresh egg.

Willis Jackson: Arnold's always under my feet. I'll never have any privacy until he gets married.
Arnold Jackson: Married? On MY allowance?

Jackie Rodowsky: She's a girl! Girls are totally gross!
Mary Anne Spier: Gee, thanks!
Dawn Schaffer: And what are we, space mutants?
Jackie Rodowsky: You're... you're.
Kristy Thomas: Better make this good Jackie!
Jackie Rodowsky: You're... you're baby-sitters!

The Secret of the Unicorn: Part 1 - S1-E3
Tintin: He looks exactly like you.
Captain Haddock: Yes, he is good looking.