Arnold's Hat/Stoop Kid - S1-E3
Question: Did Harold already know that the Stoop Kid had just left his stoop the first time? He would have known that a while ago due to a large crowd in the city or even in the newspaper.

Question: Where is Estaban from? He doesn't look like he came from America.

Question: Was this show cancelled or simply ended?

Janitor Dad - S4-E6
Question: When Chet and Verna are arguing about Chet getting a job, visible in the background is a painting of what I believe is an oak tree on a yellow background. Does anybody know the name and/or artist of this painting? My Grandparents used have a painting similar to it (if not the same one) and it also looks very similar to (and possibly the inspiration for) the cover art for the debut album of the band Days of the New.

Question: How did the streetcar, phone booths, and vending machines end up in the digiworld?
Answer: We are never told as to how they got there.
Answer: People who built the digital world most likely had them sent there. Gennai tells the kids in the last episode that the streetcar was from San Francisco, and he asked them to take it back for him.

I'd Rather Twitch Than Fight - S3-E10
Question: Darren was angry at Samantha for getting rid of his favorite coat so, why was he even angrier when he got it back?
Answer: Larry had been telling Darrin what it means psychologically that Samantha gave the coat away. Larry said giving it away meant she's happy being married but if she liked the coat it means she desires to be single and carefree. So when Darrin sees the coat, he immediately thinks Samantha doesn't want to be married and the fact that she twitched it means (in his mind) she wants to be a single, carefree witch again.
Answer: I haven't seen the episode, but generally in the show, Darrin was always suspicious that Samantha always used some kind of witchcraft for any situation (even if she didn't). He probably figured the same thing with the coat while in her possession.
You should watch the episodes in question before giving an answer so you know what you're talking about.

Question: I know this show is from the time period when a lot of couples had two beds in their room. Just out of curiosity, when did it become acceptable to show a couple's bedroom with a single bed on TV?
Answer: According to Snopes.com, there is no definitive answer, but the mid-1960s is the most verifiable date with "The Munsters" being cited as the first, although others claim "The Brady Bunch" showed the first couple seen in a double bed. An early TV show from the late 1940s titled, "Mary Kay and Johnny" is also thought to have shown the married couple's bedroom as having a double bed, although probably not with them in it. However, this was when TV was aired live, and there are no surviving episodes, only anecdotal accounts.
Something that is funny is that in the movie "A Christmas Story," they show the parents having two twin beds in their bedroom. In a real situation, they should have shown them having a double bed. Lucy and Ricky had twin beds pushed together in an early episode, which would have been pushing television boundaries in that time.

Question: The actress who played Divatox changed midway through the series, from Carol Hoyt to Hilliary Ann Duffy (Or something similar to that). Why the change?
Answer: Scheduling problems with Hilary Shepard Turner meant that she was unable to reprise her role as Divatox from "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie". Carol Hoyt was brought in as a replacement until the major cast change mid-season, when Hilary returned. Carol still played Dimitria, the Rangers' mentor.

Question: Re "The Suite Life Movie", I have two questions. One: Zack is flirting with a girl named Nelly throughout the whole movie, but he has a girlfriend, Maya. Is he cheating? Two: (SPOILER ALERT!) Near the end, when Zack and Cody are free from becoming merged, they return to their normal life, but they still have stages 1, 2, and half of stage 3 still in them. Does this wear off, or are they still like that?
Chosen answer: One: Zack doesn't meet Maya until after the movie. Two: There are 2 possibilities. The first one, the steps might worn off after they got to the ship. and the second answer, London said she talks to animals since she ate them, it never worn off.
Zack definitely met Maya before the movie takes place, SPOILER in the final episode when they break up Zack says they've been together for 3 months, and not only does the movie take place during spring break which is less than 3 months from normal graduation, but also their graduation date gets moved up since the ship got sold.
The movie is set between the last two episodes; they had already met.

Question: We never found out what the ham and chicken bones had to do with anything. They were ham and chicken until Scooby ate them. Afterwards, Shaggy wonders why the ghost would keep ham and chicken in the fridge. This was never answered in the episode. Why were they important?
Chosen answer: A ghost wouldn't have to keep any food in the fridge - they don't need to eat. So it is one thing that proves the ghost is not a ghost.

Question: What episode of Jem is this? In it Jerrica who had a secret identity was worried because her boyfriend liked both her and Jem. She got advice from Synergy who told her to become a third identity to test him. She did, and he fell for her too. She was upset until Synergy then said that this actually meant that he really loved her because he must love her soul, because he loved her in any form. I looked up the series on the internet and can't find any episode described this way. Maybe this was a B story of an episode? Could someone tell me what season the episode is in and what the episode is called?
Chosen answer: This was an episode from Season Three, entitled "Midsummer Night's Madness."

Question: Where did Kim get all of these gadgets?
Answer: From technogenius Wade. There's at least one scene in the show where she gets some new gadgets from him.

Question: Which episode is it that they're going to be shutting down 3 fire stations, and at the end, they decided to turn #5 into a museum?
Answer: Season 8.

Question: Why do they act so oblivious as to why people are scared of them?
Answer: The comedic gimmick of both "The Munsters" and "The Addams Family" television shows in the 1960s was that both families were convinced they were normal and everyone else they encountered was odd. The Addams Family, for example, thought their "normal" visitors were mentally unbalanced because they always fled the Addams' weird home in panic. That was a running gag throughout the entire Addams Family series, so much so that easily half of nearly every episode was devoted to the predictably terrified reactions of their visitors (always accompanied by identical canned laughter). Meanwhile, in the Munsters' universe, the family thought "normal" people were physically deformed and even quite hideous. For example, the Munsters believed that their beautiful niece, Marilyn, was socially handicapped by her ugliness (the exact opposite of the truth); and, in the episode "Just Another Pretty Face" (S2E17), when Herman Munster was temporarily transformed into a "normal" person, his entire family found him utterly repulsive. The family's hidden revulsion to "normal" people was the running gag of The Munsters.

Question: Where do the stairs in the substation lead? It has been said multiple times that they lead to the living room of their loft but they are never seen. There are stairs on the sides but the ones going down are to their basement.
Answer: Honestly I've been confused too. Thought the ones going down went to Justin's bedroom or to the station. Then the ones out the door went maybe to an elevator to those stairs I guess. Then the one to the side went to the lair But the freezer also leads to the lair or a secret spot sometimes too.
I think the ones in the sub shop go right up to a hallway in front of the loft, then the ones in the lair go to the bedrooms upstairs. Now there's a way to get to the lair from the loft and I believe it would be past the kitchen down to the hallway where we don't really see except in like one episode. Now what confuses me the most is the lair because when Harper finds out you see Alex using magic to open it into the lair but in every other episode you open it and it's the lair.

Chosen answer: The general consensus is that Big Bird is a canary; however, according to Wikipedia, he's also been described as a condor as well as an ibis. The one constant factor is that regardless of his species, Big Bird is always eight feet, two inches tall and flightless.

Big Scare in the Big Easy - S1-E4
Question: When the gunk gets on Daphne's shoe, why was she so upset? Why not just clean the gunk off? Or get one of the other shoes out of her backpack (which she had with her)?

Question: In this episode, Samantha moves out of her too noisy dorm room and into a professor's empty house along with an engaged couple, Beth and Benjamin. Benjamin is played by Matthew Perry, who played Chandler Bing on Friends. My question is whether this is the role used to create the Chandler character, because they are so similar.

The End of Time: Part 3 - S1-E40
Question: Why did Gluto decide to freeze himself?
Answer: Gluto has quite a cowardly personality and never contributed too much in fighting against the Power Rangers. When he felt that the final battle was getting too intense for him, he decided that he would rather be frozen than participate.

Two Heads Are Better Than None - S4-E14
Question: Who screams the second time when Kenan tries to question Kel about the first scream?
Answer: Kel.
Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.
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