Question: Where do the stairs in the substation lead? It has been said multiple times that they lead to the living room of their loft but they are never seen. There are stairs on the sides but the ones going down are to their basement.

Question: In this episode, Samantha moves out of her too noisy dorm room and into a professor's empty house along with an engaged couple, Beth and Benjamin. Benjamin is played by Matthew Perry, who played Chandler Bing on Friends. My question is whether this is the role used to create the Chandler character, because they are so similar.

Big Scare in the Big Easy - S1-E4
Question: When the gunk gets on Daphne's shoe, why was she so upset? Why not just clean the gunk off? Or get one of the other shoes out of her backpack (which she had with her)?

Two Heads Are Better Than None - S4-E14
Question: Who screams the second time when Kenan tries to question Kel about the first scream?
Answer: Kel.

The End of Time: Part 3 - S1-E40
Question: Why did Gluto decide to freeze himself?
Answer: Gluto has quite a cowardly personality and never contributed too much in fighting against the Power Rangers. When he felt that the final battle was getting too intense for him, he decided that he would rather be frozen than participate.

Chosen answer: The general consensus is that Big Bird is a canary; however, according to Wikipedia, he's also been described as a condor as well as an ibis. The one constant factor is that regardless of his species, Big Bird is always eight feet, two inches tall and flightless.

Question: How come no one believes TJ that he was the one who threw the party, not Marcus?
Answer: It's reckless and irresponsible and it's not something that he does normally. But, it is something that Marcus would do.

Question: When Matthew goes against Dr. Quinn's suggestion that he needs to rest and heal, and hitches his curse to leave, the sign above him says "Coopering." Shouldn't that be "Coppering"?
Answer: A Cooper was someone who made various things out of wood including wooden caskets and even barrels.

Question: Throughout the series, Sarah has been shown to have excessive anger, as well as hostility towards her older brother. Is it ever revealed why she is so angry?
Answer: She's just a spoiled, bratty younger sister.

Question: In the episode with Uncle Earl in it, what happened at the end when Miley tried to help him out of the chair?

Initiation - S3-E1
Question: In this show, Green Lantern is a black guy with a different name. What happened to Hal Jordan and why is he not Green Lantern any more?
Chosen answer: In this series, Hal Jordan never became Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner did instead. John Stewart is Rayner's partner and serves as Green Lantern in the Justice League.

Question: Why was this series cancelled after three seasons?

King Ottokar's Sceptre: Part 2 - S2-E5
Question: When Tintin and the King discover King Ottokar's scepter had been stolen, both Hector and the guards are shown to have been knocked out. Later, Tintin points out that Hector had stolen the scepter by placing it in a camera, put it next to the window and shot it out of the window using the camera. If that's how Hector managed to get the scepter out of the building, then what was it that caused Hector and the guards to get knocked out? (00:33:10 - 00:35:50)
Chosen answer: If Hector was seriously intent on removing King Ottokar's scepter from the glass cage holding it and launching it through the window with the camera, then Hector would have been forced to knock out the two guards so they would not have interfered with Hector's plan as soon as he removed the scepter from the glass. As for Hector, himself, was explained when Tintin was explaining how Hector stole the scepter. Tintin placed a twig inside the camera and it launched out of the camera. Hector would have placed the scepter inside of the camera, and would have been knocked unconscious due to the spring effect created when the scepter had been launched.

Question: Did this show have an episode in which Wayne was stood up by a date, or he couldn't convince a girl to go out with him? Then Kevin told him that the girl thinks he is pathetic. I described this moment in the "General Questions" section here, and someone said it might be this show. Thanks.
Answer: Sounds like the episode 'Hiroshima, Mon Frère', season 2, episode 8.

Question: The Episode titled The Rowdyruff Boys was banned from YTV in Canada. Why?
Answer: A representative for the broadcast company refused to say why, only that it was the "content" of the episode. A search of the term 'rowdyruff' on a search engine returns a multitude of XXX related sites. Perhaps this may lean to an explanation.

Question: What is the true origin of the Constructicons? "Heavy Metal War" claims they were built on Earth by Megatron, but "The Secret of Omega Supreme" shows them already on Cybertron before the war on Earth began. Is this a legitimate mistake or is there a reason behind it?
Answer: This was actually one of many errors in Transformers, the Constructicons MUST have been built on Cybertron, the only transformers genuinely built on earth were the dinobots, reason being Vector Sigma has to give personalities to each and every robot, else they end up like the dinobots, very simple and dumb. For reference watch the episode "The Key to Vector Sigma" which introduces the Stunticons and Arielbots - both Megatron and Optimus Prime have to go to Vector Sigma to get decent personality traits installed, prior to this the new robots are controlled by remote controllers and have no AI.

The Tale of the Dangerous Soup - S3-E13
Question: Why were people quitting their jobs at the restaurant? They apparently don't remember what happens in the "fear room." Jersey, at least, did not remember.
Answer: They may have quit because they experienced lingering fear and anxiety after eating the soup, regardless of whether they remembered anything. As everyone was only limited to one bowl of the soup, Vink fired anyone he caught trying to have more. Some employees may have quit out of frustration over the restriction. It also serves the plot to have different characters experiencing the effects of eating the soup.

The Lady in the Bottle - S1-E1
Question: What language is Jeannie speaking at first and how do they get around the three wish rule?
Answer: As noted elsewhere here Jeannie is speaking Farsi.
What are the several things she says in Farsi? Please translate.
Answer: Regarding the three wishes, there was never any set-in-stone rule or belief. This appears to originate from "The Ridiculous Wishes" or "The Three Ridiculous Wishes" that is a French literary fairy tale written by Charles Perrault and was published in 1697. It sort of set the standard for genie rules that later appeared in other folk tales and then in movies and TV shows. Like vampire lore, common details can be changed by any author to suit their story.
Answer: She's speaking Persian. And there was never a 3 wish rule. When Tony freed her, he became her master, and she'd do anything for him (i.e. grant his every wish).

Question: When Ralph promises he'll fix Norton's pipes tomorrow morning, Norton says, "This is the last night I take a bath in Fred's Gasoline Station." Why wouldn't he have been taking his baths in his best friend Ralph's tub? He had already used their water to "Stretch the Soup." Why not to bathe?
Answer: It is because Fred's gasoline station was a real place that really existed in the town of Tuckahoe New York. This was where Norton, Art Carney, was living at the time. It was a plug for his friend.
Answer: Art Carney lived in Tuckahoe NY at this time and Fred's gasoline station really did exist. It was a plug for his friend at home.
Answer: Because going to the gas station for a bath is funnier. This is comedy, funnier trumps making sense.
It's still a mistake.
Answer: There's no answer. He was probably joking or exaggerating, and, unlike getting water for the soup, bathing in someone else's bathroom is an inconvenience, and it might make Norton self-conscious and it would annoy Ralph. Going to a gas station does sound like something Norton would do.
Norton self-conscious? No way.

Question: Given his origin, was Tim Drake really Jason Todd, just given the third Robin's name?
Answer: Tim Drake's origin in the DC Animated Universe differs significantly from his origin in the comics, but it also differs greatly from Jason Todd's. This version of the character is unique to this universe, similar to many of the other supporting characters with origin stories that range from being nearly identical to the comics to being entirely different from the comics.
Answer: Honestly I've been confused too. Thought the ones going down went to Justin's bedroom or to the station. Then the ones out the door went maybe to an elevator to those stairs I guess. Then the one to the side went to the lair But the freezer also leads to the lair or a secret spot sometimes too.
I think the ones in the sub shop go right up to a hallway in front of the loft, then the ones in the lair go to the bedrooms upstairs. Now there's a way to get to the lair from the loft and I believe it would be past the kitchen down to the hallway where we don't really see except in like one episode. Now what confuses me the most is the lair because when Harper finds out you see Alex using magic to open it into the lair but in every other episode you open it and it's the lair.