Question: Why does Vicky hate Timmy so much?

Initiation - S3-E1
Question: In this show, Green Lantern is a black guy with a different name. What happened to Hal Jordan and why is he not Green Lantern any more?
Chosen answer: In this series, Hal Jordan never became Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner did instead. John Stewart is Rayner's partner and serves as Green Lantern in the Justice League.

The End of Time: Part 3 - S1-E40
Question: Why did Gluto decide to freeze himself?
Answer: Gluto has quite a cowardly personality and never contributed too much in fighting against the Power Rangers. When he felt that the final battle was getting too intense for him, he decided that he would rather be frozen than participate.
Answer: I don't think Vicky necessarily hates Timmy. She is just a malicious and sadistic person.