Question: Where is Estaban from? He doesn't look like he came from America.
Question: Okay, I'm pretty sure I see Estaban in every episode, so why isn't he introduced in the title song? And his name (Adrian R'Mante) sounds like he's Spanish and so does his accent. Is this true?
Answer: Esteban isn't in every episode of Suite Life. According to the episode count, he's only appeared in 39 episodes out of 88 whereas the twins and Moseby are the only characters to have appeared in all 88 episodes. With regards to Adrian R'Mante, the actor is American and the accent is part of the acting.
Question: Why does everyone laugh at Cody for having the superhero initials BM in the super hero episode?
Answer: BM is a common abbreviation for bowel movement.
Question: What Happened to Muriel? Around season two she disappeared.
Answer: Keep in mind, Muriel wasn't very popular. So the writers/directors must have thought it'd be a good idea to let go of the character. No one seems to be complaining.
Question: Who is Zack and Cody's dad? What is his name?
Answer: The show never says.
Brad ★