Stupidity: When they are conferring before surgery everyone is keeping scrub except for Avery who has his arms crossed. Shortly afterwards you can see him look around at all his co-stars, realise he screwed up and try to casually raise his arms. (00:15:00)

Episode #1.4 - S1-E4
Stupidity: The police officer has her sidearm holster in a reverse angle. The angle of her holster and where it's placed makes no tactical sense or give any advantage in drawing a firearm from the hip. She would have to somehow reach in the exact opposite way to draw her firearm. (00:11:20 - 00:12:00)

Stupidity: Mickey, and Terry are robbing a marijuana dispensary. They subdue the armed security guard by putting him to sleep and handcuffing and duct taping his mouth with no gloves on. They are touching door handles, door frames, shiny handcuffs, and duct tape which all are excellent sources for leaving behind fingerprints. The sticky side of tape is an excellent source of leaving fingerprints. (00:24:30)

Episode #1.7 - S1-E7
Stupidity: When Eugene approaches Tsuda after Tsuda is shot by Ae-sin, Tsuda attempts to shoot him, but after pulling the trigger, he realises there are no bullets in the gun. Seconds later, a group of soldiers run up to him, and he attempts to shoot them, but he can't because the gun is still not loaded. Something he should have known since he only just attempted to shoot Eugene and failed because of it. (00:50:00 - 00:50:30)

Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 1 - S2-E1
Stupidity: Kindaichi behaves in a criminally illogical way in this fourth parter episode. The original victim told 4 separate people some sort of keyword for the party, each one linking to another person. Kindaichi after at least the second if not the first victim could and should have asked EVERYONE (he had every opportunity for that) if they received such a 'password' by Tachibana before he died. Instead, he pointlessly follows the trail of breadcrumbs and two if not three people die for nothing.

Always a Godmother, Never a God - S6-E4
Stupidity: Rory arrives in Star's Hollow for the baptism. She parks presumably near the church. When she gets out of the car, she does not have a purse or car keys in hand. She apparently left the car unlocked and left the keys in it. It's just plain dumb.

Stupidity: Paulie and an associate just killed 2 drug dealers or stash house guards, and they are rummaging throughout the apartment touching appliances and other surfaces without any gloves. Paulie was previously arrested and did time so his fingerprints are on file. Paulie also used a knife to stab one of the Colombians without any gloves on, and he just left it in his body. The police would have no problem linking him to this crime within a week after forensics did their sweep. (00:03:00 - 00:04:17)

Log 81: The Long Walk - S1-E14
Stupidity: They are looking for a red convertible. No other description of the car. A red convertible pulls up behind them and passes them. The ragtop roof is up but it's still matches the description. Doesn't faze them in the least.

The Night of the Firebrand - S3-E2
Stupidity: West is introduced to, then knocked unconscious by Vixen as she hides a club behind her back. A trained Secret Service agent like West would not have let his guard down in this situation, as the entire fort was awash in bad guys.

Stupidity: Why do they always have to go through that washing machine setup in the laundromat when they have a great functioning elevator to the lab?
Suggested correction: Why would Gus go through the process of hiding the lab entrance stairs behind a washing machine but leave access to a freight elevator wide open? The elevator would be just as hidden and probably locked up. Not to mention it would be slower to take than simply walking downstairs.

Siege Protocol: Part 2 - S3-E12
Stupidity: This team never packs enough ammo. The two little skirmishes they were in maybe consumed 120 rounds each x8 guys makes 1060 and that's pushing it. A soldier's combat load is 7 magazines, 210 rounds each for their primary weapon system. These dudes should have at least 3 mags each left, and Seals being Seals fighting far from the main force always pack more ammo, at least 390 rounds. There's a Seal training video where Seals are doing a centre peel drill and it says they pack 4000 rounds for 8 men. (00:49:15)

Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt - S3-E8
Stupidity: SPOILERS AHEAD: It has been a good minute between Hopper killing Grigory and Joyce turning the key. He could have used that time to run as quickly as he can towards her, instead of staring at her for 30 seconds. Also, Dustin didn't have to yell (through the radio) so panicky yet about closing the gate. While Mind Flayer was killing Billy, El and other kids could have used the time to run further again and get another 2-3 minutes, in that time Hopper would surely come to a safe place.

When in Rome - S1-E3
Stupidity: A supposedly covert camera is placed in plain sight on a wall in a crowded room, with a prominent antenna showing, and a blinking blue light. (00:16:55)

Stupidity: Radnor lives in the small village, Hastings does not. It's a miracle that his bluff worked, since the random two guys downstairs could have very well been two villagers he didn't meet during the couple days he's been there a month before, but that Radnor knows.

Stupidity: Linda suffers a gunshot while in the hospital. The doctor calls for a trauma team that responds immediately to take her to surgery. The next time Linda is shown the trauma team is still taking her to surgery through the hospital hallways, and the whole Reagan family made it to the hospital and in the hallway as Linda is being taken to surgery. The hospital hallways must be long or the trauma team took the long way to surgery to allow the family to be there. (00:03:28 - 00:05:57)

Stupidity: Andor and Luthen set a vehicle to drive and distract the security team. The vehicle is destroyed, and they immediately round the corner in full view of the team on a speeder and drive away, then blow up the vehicle. They could have driven away on any number of other streets without revealing that they weren't in the vehicle, keeping their escape secret. And if they blew it up before the team looked too closely they might have even been deemed to have been killed in the crash.

A Deadly State of Mind - S4-E6
Stupidity: In the final scene: Columbo lays a trap for the murderer (George Hamilton). The 'eyewitness' when Hamilton fled the murder scene was a blind man. Hamilton is aware of this. Columbo's gambit depends on Hamilton's assumption that Columbo has coached the witness to act as though he was sighted so as to convince Hamilton that there is evidence against him. In fact, Columbo has the witness' brother, who is sighted, pretend to be the eyewitness and identify Hamilton as the man he saw driving away. When Hamilton falls for Columbo's trap and, believing he is in the presence of the blind man, tries and fails to 'prove' the man can't see. By doing so he reveals his knowledge that the witness was blind, incriminating himself. The problem is, that only a minute or so previously, Columbo had placed Hamilton under arrest, and failed to read him his Miranda Rights. Considering that Hamilton's slip up is the ONLY evidence Columbo has against Hamilton, this was a spectacularly stupid move on Columbo's part. Regardless of how many officers were present to witness this, the fact is that Hamilton was under arrest and had not been advised of his right against self-incrimination; meaning nothing that he said when under arrest can be used against him.

Stupidity: The emigrants lack guns yet after several bandit raids the team does not take the guns and ammo from the bandits to protect themselves from future raids. It's not like they can swing by the local Cabelas and stock up on guns and ammo.

Cucuruz Doan's Island - S1-E15
Stupidity: Amuro came to the island to respond to an SOS. He finds the pilots, tries to tend to their wounds, they die. He then meets a Zaku pilot that orders him to surrender. Amuro manages to jump on the Core Fighter, take off and then...tries a desperate and very hard maneuver to fight the Zaku, when at that point he simply needed to fly back to White Base; the Zaku could have never followed him. He has nothing at stake, no need at all to fight. And the Zaku pilot even told him that he did not want to fight to begin with. (00:08:00)