The Waltons

The Pin-Up - S7-E17

Stupidity: After Erin leaves with the military captain to Camp Lee, John and Maryellen turn around to see John Curtiss nowhere around on the porch where Maryellen left him. So John goes off to look for him, while Maryellen goes in to check The House. John Curtiss is a one-year-old baby who couldn't open a door.


The Recluse - S6-E3

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end, while John is working alone in the mill Ben shows up, and when Ben asks, "Need some help," a crew member is hiding behind the stack of drawers, toward the right side of the screen. It's not Zeb or Easy or any family member. (00:46:30)

Super Grover

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The Reunion - S1-E14

Ike: How's it feel to be a working man?
John-Boy: Ike, Mama would skin me alive! Everyone knows those two ladies make bootleg whiskey.
Ike: But they don't know what they're doing. They're just following their papa's Recipe.
John-Boy: But sometimes they sell it!
Ike: Yeah, but they're just like two little girls by a roadside selling lemonade.

Super Grover

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The Journey - S2-E1

Trivia: While Maggie MacKenzie and John-Boy are at the Mermaid Restaurant, when they both dance together Maggie envisions her long deceased husband, Michael MacKenzie, dancing with her instead of John-Boy. It is Earl Hamner Jr. who portrays Michael MacKenzie in this uncredited onscreen cameo during the scene (note teeth and facial features are identical).

Super Grover

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