Stupidity: After Cory and Shawn fish Mr. Feeny's watch from the septic tank, he suggests they jump into the lake to clean off. Cory protests, reasoning that it's only 20° outside, to which Feeny dismissively tells them to take a sweater. They then reluctantly abide. Someone of Feeny's education should know better than to allow them to jump into a freezing cold lake. They could both get hypothermia, and they're all currently isolated in the Pocono Mountains with no nearby medical facilities.

Stupidity: After Walks on Cloud releases Dr Mike, she runs off and hides in a wild thicket as the Dog Soldiers and One Eye look around the area for her. A pair of buckskin are then seen scoping the area, then walking off as Dr Mike leaves her hiding spot and gets 'surprised' by One Eye, who knocks her out. She should have known better and stayed put until sunrise, as Sully taught her when it came to the Cheyenne war parties.