Deliberate mistake: At the beginning of the episode, when Doug and Carrie are in the shower, you see their silhouettes. The first mistake is that for the silhouettes to show like that they have to be evenly backlit which wouldn't make sense in the shower. The second mistake is a little more subtle; you can see the outline where the actor's bathing suits are (inevitably) slightly larger than the bodies. There is also a slight darkening in the areas where the bathing suits cover skin. (both of these things are much easier to see on Carrie than Doug because of her smoother figure and skin tone).

Deliberate mistake: Because the series changed networks after the end of season one, this episode completely ignores that season's cliffhanger about Harm being arrested as a suspect in the murder of Lt. Schonke.

Deliberate mistake: Season 2, episode 10: After Matt is supposed to be dead underwater, you can see air bubbles coming out from his nose in a close-up, and in a far away shot his head is above the water so the actor can breathe.

Deliberate mistake: *SPOILER ALERT* Behind T-Bag is the actor who plays Lechero, and Lechero had just died in the episode. The person was not Lechero, but maybe they didn't have another extra at hand to replace him. 'Time 1' and 'Time 2' are taken from Netflix at the time this was posted. (00:29:46 - 00:30:25)

Deliberate mistake: Richie was an infant in season one, and beginning with this season, he has been aged up to at least 3 years old while none of the other characters have aged up.

Episode #4.3 - S4-E3
Deliberate mistake: Before the gas explodes in the sewer, you can see the base of the Davy lamp glow red. Except that in real life this doesn't happen; the flame simply turns blue and grows taller in the presence of gas. This was probably done to make the scene more dramatic, though.

Deliberate mistake: In the scenes that take place in Kentucky, none of the characters speak with a Kentucky dialect.

Deliberate mistake: Elliot threatens Olivia about her testing positive for Oxycontin because she drank a peppermint mocha he brought her. If she tests positive she loses custody of her child. The thing with Oxy is that it's in one's system for a maximum of 4 days. Could be even less if only a small amount was taken and somebody exercises and drinks lots of water. Somebody could also eat poppyseeds and that would give a false positive. She could say she ate a poppyseed bagel. (00:14:00 - 00:16:00)

Deliberate mistake: In the butter skating scene, the boys signing Paisley's cast are not writing anything. They are just pretending and their pens don't even touch her cast.

The Pieces of Fate Affair - S3-E23
Deliberate mistake: Because lawyers for real-life review columnist Judith Merrill were not amused by the parody of her and sued, the name Judith Merle is very obviously dubbed over throughout the episode (and changed in the credits) to Jody Moore. (00:32:50)

Jeannie, the Hip Hippie - S3-E6
Deliberate mistake: Phil Spector is credited as having played "Steve Davis", but that name is never used in the episode; he is instead addressed by his real name.

Log 1: The Impossible Mission - S1-E1
Deliberate mistake: Halfway through the episode, they are chasing car thieves in a drainage channel. The thief's car comes to the end of the road and crashes into a deeper gully. You can see that the windshield has been taken out of the car, although it was previously there. They cut away and when they come back, parts of the windshield are back in the car, but the whole center is missing.

Deliberate mistake: Around the 26 minute mark, when Charles Brandon joins Margaret for a game of cards during their voyage to Portugal, Margaret has a glass of wine (and later Brandon) in which the liquid is not sloshing around As It Should Be on a ship that is rocking and swaying the way it should. (00:26:10)

Crucifixed - S5-E10
Deliberate mistake: When Tara is talking to Gemma in the parking lot of Stockton Prison, the chrome bumper of Tara's SUV is blurred out, probably to cover up visible crew and equipment. It looks unnatural, since the image is sharp enough that you can see the radiator itself behind the grille, and the numberplate is perfectly sharp.

Deliberate mistake: At the end, a line apparently cut earlier creates slight confusion. Nick says to Nat, "When LaCroix asked you why?" (why save vampires). In the earlier scene as shown, the elusive LaCroix spoke only briefly to Nat in the lab, and never asked her that question. (00:42:20)

Deliberate mistake: The day of his scheduled departure, Poirot overhears conversations (mainly the one from the window of his room) he couldn't possibly be hearing given the long distance outdoors and the tone of voice. His reactions are shown as if he could hear and not simply see and infer the meaning. (00:23:00)

Deliberate mistake: Many of the Rangers in the Legendary Battle could not be there since they were portrayed by the same person. All 3 Rockys, all 3 Adams, and both Jasons and Kimberlys were all present.

Deliberate mistake: Because the opening narration was adapted from the original American series, the phrase describing the role of the Crown Prosecutors (e.g. "prosecutors who prosecute") is redundant.

Deliberate mistake: Unavoidable, but still noteworthy: At the beginning of season 2, all the story lines pick up where they left of from at the end of season one; indicating that not much time has elapsed. In spite of this, most of the cast have different haircuts, Dana has grown out her fringe, and Tina suddenly has a baby bump.

Deliberate mistake: In the episode January 2011 where Stephanie puts a slide in the living room, when Stephanie goes down it, you can see she is using a stunt double because her hair is thicker and they cover her face with her arm.