Best crime TV quotes of all time

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Movie Quote Quiz
Waking the Dead picture

Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I'll have to have a word with you, please.
Jacqueline Wright: We're going to Longleat.
Det. Supt. Peter Boyd: I'm afraid the lions will have to wait.

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Dragnet picture

Sgt. Joe Friday: This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm a cop.

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Crossing Jordan picture

Jordan: He's lucky I didn't kick him in the nuts. What? It wouldn't be the first time.

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Shark picture

Sebastian Stark: When I want your opinion, I'll stop ice skating in hell and ask for it.

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Las Vegas picture

Polly Nguyen: I say something about marriage, he flip out like time I put fist in bad place get stuck.

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Veronica Mars picture

Logan: I love the '80s.
Leo: Heads up. Risky Business at 12 o'clock.
Logan: Come on, everyone! Let's Wang Chung tonight! What? Everybody Wang Chung tonight! Wang Chung or I'll kick your ass.

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Better Call Saul picture

Jimmy McGill: I'm the guy on your speed dial right after your weed dealer.

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Kojak picture

Kojak: You can't corrupt it. And you know why? Because to corrupt it, you've got to show how corrupt you really are.

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JAG (1995)

JAG picture

Ice Queen (1) - S8-E20

Vivian Blackadder: Amad bin Atwa supplied money and explosives to Hasan Mohammed, who executed the attack on the Cole. They're an all-Jihad team that's been together for nine years. If Bin Atwa gives up Hasan, I want in on the kill.
Gibbs: We're not tasked with capturing Hasan Mohammed.
Vivian Blackadder: Gibbs, my brother died on the Cole.
Gibbs: I know that.
Vivian Blackadder: Then get me in on this!
Gibbs: You're not here to use NCIS as your personal instrument of revenge. You get your head around this murder case, or you pull your tailored suit out of mothballs and you march your butt right back to the J. Edgar Hoover Building.

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21 Jump Street picture

Off. Tom Hanson #2: Without Jenko we're gonna be Charlie's Angels.

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Batman picture

Batman: Who knows, Robin? This strange mixing of minds may be the greatest single service ever performed for humanity! Let's go, but, inconspicuously, through the window. We'll use our Batropes. Our job is finished.

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Without A Trace picture

Jack Malone: According to the groom, she was an angel.
Martin: I guess love is blind. And deaf. And very, very dumb.
Jack Malone: Spoken like a true romantic.

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Numb3rs picture

Charlie Eppes: You know, this isn't the first time I've received a love letter. When I published my first article in the American Journal of Mathematics I was invited to spend the weekend at a bed and breakfast in Santa Barbara.
Dr. Larry Fleinhardt: Yeah? Did you go?
Charlie Eppes: Ah, I was fourteen. My mother had to break the news to a very embarrassed female professor at Berkley.

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Cracker picture

Penhaligon: To be left at the airport, Fitz, that's one thing. But to be left by a big, fat, egocentric, middle-aged man, well, that's a different thing altogether.
Fitz: I didn't mind the big.

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