Glorious Five Year Plan - S3-E4
Factual error: The Boys use a Dodge Sprinter to drive around Russia. In Europe and Russia this Sprinter was only sold through Mercedes-Benz.

Factual error: This programme is set in 1935, but in all aerial shots all cars that can be seen are from the 1970s.

Factual error: At the start of the show, it states it's 1902. However in the opening scene, the flag shown is the 1912 design, with 48 stars. In 1902 there were only 45 states.

Factual error: The apartment makes no sense.There are 3 steps down to the living room which you might have in a house but not in a high rise apartment building.The hallway shows a door for another apartment which would put most of its apartment out past the edge of the building.

Horror in the Heights - S1-E11
Factual error: Outside the Indian restaurant, the street curb is painted red. In Chicago, throughout the 1970s, curbs were painted white or yellow to indicate special parking zones; never red.

Factual error: Darien sets up a tripod and videotapes himself leaving a message for the Agency. When the tape is played back later, the camera can be seen to have both zoomed in and panned to follow his movements, even though no one was there to make those adjustments. (00:30:30)

Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City - S3-E14
Factual error: Charlie drops the moltov cocktail into the police car in the end, light enough so that it doesn't break, but the car explodes about ten seconds later, as Charlie explains he had soaked the entire inside with gasoline. However, there realistically wouldn't be such a long pause as shown in the show for the gasoline fumes to ignite. Also, the explosion is much more powerful than it realistically would have been, revealing pyrotechnics were used. Obviously done for comedic value, but still a mistake.

Factual error: When Dougal and Ted enter the cockpit, the pilot points out the gauges for 'engines 1, 2 and 3'. They are in a Boeing 737 (the internal layout is that of a 737, not a BAE 146), which only has two engines.

Factual error: After Steve practised changing a baby on the stuffed toy monkey he and Danny leave Michelle's bedroom and walk into the hallway. But the bedroom you see them leaving from when in the hallway would historically be Jesse's bedroom at the time. When they are in Michelle's bedroom in the shot previous to the hallway, the hallway from the bedroom also looks as if they are in Jesse's room based on the view.

Episode #5.5 - S5-E5
Factual error: At the pool party at the end of the episode, Asa Elliott is singing Gold by Spandau Ballet. Whilst he's singing, the shots change to different couples/families at the party. When Asa finishes the song, 5 minutes and 58 seconds have passed. The actual song is only 3 minutes 55 seconds.

Everybody Hates Christmas - S1-E11
Factual error: The episode is dated as 1982. When Chris is sitting on the bench waiting for the bus, the gentleman next to him is singing Tears For Fears' "Shout." The song was not released in the US until June 1985.

Factual error: Aunt Petunia says that the chalice was first seen in the Stone Age, and sends Paul and Barry back to where Stonehenge is just being completed. However, the Stone Age actually ended in around 3300 BC. Stonehenge is believed to have been constructed in around 2500 BC, which was the Bronze Age.

Factual error: Ted is holding his phone and talking to the others with the front facing camera. When he gets hit by the car the others can still see him, for that to have happened the camera would have had to land perfectly on the bottom edge, which is an impossible thing to do. (00:07:40 - 00:09:10)

Factual error: During the maths exam, Dr. Mariani instructs Lamponne to write two division signs together and then to write 1 divided by 0, two things that are impossible in secondary school maths. (00:41:02)

Factual error: Emily is in Paris when her boyfriend calls from Chicago and wakes her. She asks the time which he says is 7pm, and she says 3am in Paris, which cannot be. Central European Time is 6 hours ahead of NY and 7 from Chicago. 7 pm in Chicago would be 2 AM in Paris.

Factual error: Tori donates three pints of her blood. There is no way that the hospital would have done this in real life seeing as it takes about eight weeks before a person can actually donate blood again.

Factual error: Teddy says that he hates the stories by Wodehouse about the stuttering Bertie Wooster. However, Wooster only had a stutter in the 1965 TV series "World of Wooster", not in the original stories or in any other adaptations such as "Jeeves and Wooster." "You Rang" is set in the 1920s, and thus 40 years too early to have seen that program on television.

No Right Way - S2-E6
Factual error: When Kyle and Kerry go to the arcade, they look around to see which game they want to play. Kyle suggests the dancing game, which, although the name is not displayed, is Dance Dance Revolution. The current screen is the song select, which only appears after a token has been inserted and the game has started. It takes at least two presses of the start button to get to that screen, yet Kyle still feels the need to insert a token for some reason. Also, although this is trivial, the difficult setting on which they play is Beginner, which is laughably easy and doesn't require any of the theatrical dance moves that Kyle and Kerry perform.

Factual error: In the scene where T.J. Is explaining the formula to Mo that is written on the board, the right side of the equation (x-1)^2 is wrong. It should be x^2 - 2x + 1, not x^2 - 2x - 1 when expanded. Also, at the start of the scene with the formula, the coach who is teaching the class states he wrote it, and then it is assumed T.J. came up and finished solving the equation, but the writing is exactly the same. (00:08:15)

Factual error: In this episode, when the show opens, it shows the outside of a restaurant where the news team meets for lunch. If you look closely, there are palm trees on the left side of the screen next to the restaurant, almost hard to see because the tops blend into the roof of the restaurant. Everyone knows that because of its climate, Minneapolis does not have palm trees. Perhaps even more noticeable is the huge hotel looming above the restaurant that says "Sheraton Universal", a well known hotel attached to Universal Studios in Los Angeles.