King Ottokar's Sceptre: Part 2 - S2-E5
Question: When Tintin and the King discover King Ottokar's scepter had been stolen, both Hector and the guards are shown to have been knocked out. Later, Tintin points out that Hector had stolen the scepter by placing it in a camera, put it next to the window and shot it out of the window using the camera. If that's how Hector managed to get the scepter out of the building, then what was it that caused Hector and the guards to get knocked out? (00:33:10 - 00:35:50)

Question: I missed something somewhere. The whole way through, Humperdoo is viewed as the "real" son of God, whereas Jesus seems like an afterthought. What's the difference? Why is everyone obsessed with Humperdoo being more important than the original Jesus?
Chosen answer: God made Humperdoo part of his apocalypse plan, whilst Jesus is left out. Jesus died on the cross and went to heaven, Humperdoo is the descendant of Jesus and is actually alive. Thats why he is more important, a living heir of God.
Answer: God was disappointed in Jesus, and chose to favour Humperdoo. Jesus initially wanted to be part of God's plan, but came to the realisation that it was wrong. He turned on Hitler and by the time God came back to Jesus, no longer wanted any part in it.

Question: Can't remember which episode, but when Celeste is put back into her body, she has a French accent and speaks French, but in previous episodes in the flashbacks she had a normal accent. Am I missing something?
Answer: She was in a different body.

Question: According to the last Doctor Strange movie, possessing a dead body is forbidden by the souls of the damned, as it's trespassing, and Dr. Strange was quickly attacked and forced out. If that is the case, however, isn't Billy trespassing by possessing the dead body of William Kaplan? Where are the souls of the damned?

Question: What happened to the lieutenant after Amon threw him into the pile of wood?
Answer: We do not see what happens. Avatar shows rarely have people killed on screen, so either he got away and was never seen again, or just died right there. As Amon was outed as a bender, he would not go back for his old boss.

Question: How is Naruto able to easily create dozens of shadow clones when he needs to, but will sometimes struggle to create just a few.

Question: At the end we learned that Laurel murdered her husband but how did she not remember that if she was the killer all along?

Initiation - S3-E1
Question: In this show, Green Lantern is a black guy with a different name. What happened to Hal Jordan and why is he not Green Lantern any more?
Chosen answer: In this series, Hal Jordan never became Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner did instead. John Stewart is Rayner's partner and serves as Green Lantern in the Justice League.

Two Dead Men - S1-E2
Question: How does The Punisher manage to give Micro a cell phone with which to call him?
Answer: He calls him back.

The Pirates Are Coming - S1-E4
Question: Luffy says to the crew, "From now on, it's all gonna be smooth sailing," and then an explosion is heard outside. Nami says to Luffy, "You had to open your mouth." What does she mean by this? I'm a non-native English speaker who studies English by watching shows. Shouldn't she have said, "You shouldn't have opened your mouth"? (00:57:00)
Chosen answer: "You had to" or "you just had to" is a sarcastic way of saying "you shouldn't have".

Question: He Who Remains talks about reincarnation, and says "see you soon" to Sylvie. Does he literally mean this version of himself will return? If so how, given he's, y'know, dead? Or does he just mean that another version of him will encounter Sylvie in due course, either his younger self or another variant?
Answer: No he doesn't mean this version of himself, he means the other versions. They are all basically him.

Question: How accurate are the science lessons on the show?
Answer: In general, quite accurate as that was the point of the show. To teach kids about science. As the show is now over 20 years old, some facts have changed as we're always discovering new things. For the time, it was as accurate as it could and much of it is still accurate now.
One thing I think the show gets wrong is the idea that electrons stop moving when you break a circuit. Electrons never stop moving.

Question: What exactly happens to the Decepticons? Because at the end we see Galvatron flying in a ship with a Quintesson, surly the producers could have killed Galvatron, but just leaving us with a cliffhanger that will never be answered? Can someone tell me if anything happened after that?
Answer: The cliffhanger was never followed up on: basically, that's it for these characters!

We Can See the Light! - S1-E41
Question: Why was Eggman controlling the moon in order to con people into buying the sunshine balls he invented? Was he doing it to get rich?
Answer: No, he doesn't need the money. He was doing it to try to paint himself as the hero. Make it look like only he could save the the light and painting Sonic as a villain for destroying it.
So what if Eggman doesn't need the money. There are tons of people who don't need more, but still try to get richer.

Question: Can someone PLEASE explain the ending? The whole show was pretty confusing, particularly why everything disappeared at the end, why people lost their memories, etc.
Chosen answer: The show was originally planned to have a second season, but then it was dropped because of low ratings in Japan, thus the abrupt ending leaving everything unexplained and out in the open. Still, the show was so popular on TV in the US that The Cartoon Network decided to finance the production of the second season, which is right now coming out on DVD (I think the first three volumes are already out). This should end up tying everything nicely.

Question: In this episode, Jessie, ticked off that he had to pay the boy's bail, says that the mortgage payment has to be made to Jason Higgins. I thought that J.D. Hogg held the mortgage to the Duke farm. Has my memory got a hole in it?

Question: In this episode, it mentions that the groups are always 4 humans and an animal. What was the Darrow Family's animal?
Answer: Their animal was a white cat. In "Come Undone," the last episode of season 2, right at the start, there's a shot of "The Mystery Fellowship and their cat, Whiskers"; also in this shot is young Danny Darrow with his family.

Question: What episode of Jem is this? In it Jerrica who had a secret identity was worried because her boyfriend liked both her and Jem. She got advice from Synergy who told her to become a third identity to test him. She did, and he fell for her too. She was upset until Synergy then said that this actually meant that he really loved her because he must love her soul, because he loved her in any form. I looked up the series on the internet and can't find any episode described this way. Maybe this was a B story of an episode? Could someone tell me what season the episode is in and what the episode is called?
Chosen answer: This was an episode from Season Three, entitled "Midsummer Night's Madness."
Chosen answer: If Hector was seriously intent on removing King Ottokar's scepter from the glass cage holding it and launching it through the window with the camera, then Hector would have been forced to knock out the two guards so they would not have interfered with Hector's plan as soon as he removed the scepter from the glass. As for Hector, himself, was explained when Tintin was explaining how Hector stole the scepter. Tintin placed a twig inside the camera and it launched out of the camera. Hector would have placed the scepter inside of the camera, and would have been knocked unconscious due to the spring effect created when the scepter had been launched.
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