Ransom of Cynthia/Turtle Recall - S4-E15
Question: How come Drew can't let Angelica have the new Queen of the World Cynthia Doll?
Answer: Because she already had a Cynthia doll of her own. It also depends on how much the doll costs some dolls when they are brand new cost a lot of money.

Unrest at the Nursery! - S15-E47
Question: Why did Vullaby run away from the nursery? Was it because of Layla hurting her feelings?
Answer: Yes it ran away because Layla hurt its feelings.

Question: Does Kat ever wise up again to Kara's secret? That and why did she (Flockhart) leave the show only to come back?
Answer: Yes, s02e22. As Kara leaves her office, she said "go get them, Supergirl" to herself. After season 1, the show switched from a CBS production to a CW production and filming moved from L.A. to Vancouver. Flockhart isn't really a fan of traveling to shoot, and didn't want to be away from her family for so long.

Question: At the start of each episode of Mission Impossible Briggs or Phelps received details of the mission from a tape recording that was 'hidden in plain sight', say a telephone booth displaying a poster saying 'Telephone Out Of Order. Do Not Use'. So, what would happen if somebody went into the kiosk before Briggs or Phelps, picked up the telephone and got the secret message ahead of the Mission Impossible team?
Answer: This is not really a serious question. When I posted this question I was fully aware that Mission Impossible is only a television programme. Like many espionage thrillers (Man From Uncle, The Avengers, James Bond) it is meant to entertain, it is never meant to be taken literally seriously. It was essential to the story that Briggs or Phelps received a secret message, which would give them a mission to accomplish. If they did not receive the message you would not have had the story. When I used to watch Mission Impossible it just used to amuse me to wonder what might have happened had somebody picked up the phone containing the secret message ahead of Briggs or Phelps. I even considered writing to a comedian and suggesting that they devise a comedy sketch in which this happened. My question was only meant to be a joke, that I posted to amuse people.
The Lucy Show or Here's Lucy did an episode of exactly this scenario.

Question: In the first main movie, Baltaar the traitor (as a human) is executed before the Cylon's supreme ruler; yet in the later movies (and probably the TV series, which I did not get to watch) he reappears. How can this be possible?
Answer: The original BSG has something of a complex version history. Several versions exist, but the rationale behind what you're referring to is as follows. BSG, before anything else, was a TV series - the 'pilot episode' was a three-part tale called "Saga of a Star World". In that three-parter, a last-minute alteration to the script meant that Baltar was ultimately spared execution, because Glen A. Larson, the series producer, decided that he liked the Baltar character enough to keep him around for the rest of the series. The theatrical version, which was edited down from the three-parter and was shown in some countries before the US TV broadcast, lost quite a number of scenes, including the one where Baltar is spared. The real continuity of the series can only be found in the TV version - the movies, all of which were created by editing together existing episodes, miss out scenes leading to such apparent continuity errors.
Answer: Baltar wasn't executed... the supreme leader decided to spare him to send him on a peace mission with the humans. I have every episode... just watched it again.
Answer: Strange... given I saw Battlestar Galactica at the movies when I was a kid. Aka the 'pilot' you refer to (which WAS a movie shown at the cinema).
Yes, there was a theatrical release of the film, which was released after the original 1978 series ended. This 1979 film is the edited compilation of the 1978 series "Saga of a Star World" episode.

Last of the Time Lords (3) - S3-E13
Question: Why does The Master fear The Doctor forgiving him? What's he forgiving The Master for exactly?
Chosen answer: The Master knows that deep down, he deserves death for the crimes that he's committed throughout his life, and since he regards The Doctor as his arch-foe, he expects it to be at his hands. The fact that The Doctor is still willing to forgive him for all of his crimes hurts him more deeply than death would.

Question: In this version of the character, why is he named David Banner instead of Bruce Banner?
Chosen answer: Bruce has always been the character's middle name. In the comics he is Robert Bruce Banner, here he is David Bruce Banner. Apparently the executives behind the show preferred the name David.

Question: If Rumplestiltskin can see the future, why is he always surprised when bad things happen?

Question: Did Darth Maul's return in this series cause big controversy among Star Wars fans?
Answer: I would say his death in Phantom Menace was more of a controversy. He was a fan favorite character from the movie, and his fight scene largely regarded as the best part of the movie. It was more he was brought back to please the Star Wars fans and few, if any, had problems with it.

On a Very Special Episode... - S1-E5
Question: The intro sequence for this episode seems most closely based on Growing Pains, with a dash of Family Ties, but the painting being coloured in really reminds me of something else, I assume another TV show, but can't place it. Any inspiration?
Chosen answer: The living painting is taken straight from the Family Ties intro.
Ah, that makes sense - I first saw this one on Youtube, which at a guess was the first season or an early version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPRdtO6UKD0. But yeah, this is exactly right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip1szfz9nZ8.
Answer: I noticed that too and although I can't think of any sitcom starting like that it does remind me strongly of Bob Ross "The Joy of Painting" intro, which was from the 80's as well.

The New M.A.V.O. Member - S1-E10
Question: When Teddy and his friends shrink down to get the crystals back they know that five crystals are real and one is a fake salt crystal. How did they know which ones were real and which one was fake?
Answer: Yes but MAVO had five real crystals and one fake one, and they all looked the same. There was no way of knowing which ones were real and which one was fake.
Answer: Grubby licked them and could taste the salt.
Answer: The only guess would be that the real crystals and the fake salt crystal look different somehow. They made the fake salt crystal, so they should know what it looks like compared to a real crystal. Also, they could have very easily done something to the fake crystal that was stolen from them so that they could tell it apart from the others.

Question: Why is John's Farscape-1 module able to navigate wormholes where some other, more sophisticated craft, notably Peacekeeper Prowlers, cannot without liquifying passengers?
Chosen answer: It's never explained. John mentions a theory that his less technologically developed craft simply interferes with the wormhole less than the "superior" Vipers, but they never make a concrete determination on that point. But we also have to take into account the fact that Moya traverses wormholes with no ill effect as well.

Question: How could Skaar be Bruce's son? In "The Avengers: Age Of Ultron", Bruce tells Natalie that he can't have kids.
Answer: Bruce can't have human kids, but Hulk has entirely different physiology, and Skaar's mother is no doubt not human either. Changes the dynamic entirely.

Arnold's Hat/Stoop Kid - S1-E3
Question: Did Harold already know that the Stoop Kid had just left his stoop the first time? He would have known that a while ago due to a large crowd in the city or even in the newspaper.
Answer: No, he did not. He is seen getting off the bus with a suitcase, so he must have not been home for a few days so there is no way he could have known.

Question: Assuming that Moonbase Alpha is on the side facing the Earth (which is seen on the horizon over the base in the pilot episode "Breakaway"), making travel to it and back easier, and the nuclear waste on the far side, away from Earth, wouldn't the explosion propel the moon towards the Earth, thereby dooming Alpha to certain destruction?
Answer: Not necessarily - The gravitational fields of Earth and the Sun could have deflected the moon away from the solar system.

Question: Who is Raven and where did they come from?
Answer: They came from Azarath aka Earth.

Question: How did the streetcar, phone booths, and vending machines end up in the digiworld?
Answer: We are never told as to how they got there.
Answer: People who built the digital world most likely had them sent there. Gennai tells the kids in the last episode that the streetcar was from San Francisco, and he asked them to take it back for him.

Question: Why was Enterprise cancelled after only four seasons?
Answer: While ratings did drop, there was a lot going on to cause the rating drops and cancellation. First, "Enterprise" was on UPN, which was dissolved a year after the show was cancelled. At the time of cancellation, it was UPN's highest rated drama. Because they were on at night, they were often preempted by local UPN broadcast of baseball games. And it wasn't even aired in every market. They also lost a major corporate backer early and it was difficult for them to over come that loss. Plus, for season 4, they switched to a Friday night line up, so they were competing against Fox shows, like "The Simpsons" whereas on Wednesdays they didn't have much competition.
Answer: The same reason any show gets canceled, low ratings.
Not all shows get cancelled because of low ratings. Some get cancelled because they're too expensive to make.
Don't know why it had low ratings. IMO it was close to the best of Star Trek franchise.

Question: Why does General Ross keep trying to kill Hulk?
Answer: The Hulk is a giant brute who smashes everything in his path when he is angry. In Ang Lee's "Hulk," General Ross, played by Sam Elliot, explains it to his daughter.
Answer: Because he feels the Hulk is a threat to all life on Earth, and particularly his daughter's close relationship with Bruce Banner puts her at risk when Hulk enters the equation.
Why does Ross think the hulk is a threat?
Because the Hulk is nearly mindless and goes on destructive rampages with high risk of collateral damage.
If that's the case, what's the problem with the way general Ross judges the hulk?
Answer: He doesn't at first because she already has a Cynthia doll of her own. But later when the doll goes missing she gets the new Queen of the World doll. But Spike ends up digging up her which she had buried and gives it back to her so Drew just decides to take the doll back to the store because she had her doll back.
Why can't Drew just let her keep it instead of returning it, even though she wanted it so much like she said to him earlier, so she can have them both?