Character mistake: Doc holds the binoculars the wrong way round. (00:30:20)
Rendezvous with Yesterday - S1-E1
Character mistake: When Tony talks to captain of Titanic he states he was born in 1938, but in episode 4 "The Day the Sky Fell In" it is December 1941, he should be 3 years old, but as a young child he is about 12 years old.
Character mistake: Tom Mason makes references to smaller armies defeating larger ones, of which history is rife with examples. He cites the Scottish defeating 'the British' at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. 'The British' did not exist at that time. The Scots administered a beating against the English in the Scottish War of Independence, against the Earl of Surrey, under Edward I. Someone with his level of knowledge would know that.
Character mistake: At the end of the episode, after Sarah has been tricked into revealing her plan and is rather obviously going to go to jail, Tru tells her that she "should have taken half," meaning that she should have settled for half of Andrew's money in a divorce instead of trying to get all of it by having him murdered. But Tru seems to be forgetting that Sarah has been trying to divorce Andrew all along, and it's Andrew who has stood in the way of that. Sarah would evidently have been perfectly happy with half, but Andrew prevented it from even being on the table for her, so Tru's comment doesn't make any sense.
Character mistake: Horatio writes the symbols for sulfuric acid, H2SO4, on a clear board. Both numbers should be subscripts but he writes the 4 as a coefficient (which precedes the name of the acid but he writes it after), suggesting a lack of basic chemistry knowledge.
Touchstone - S2-E14
Character mistake: The team are finding out who could have stolen the weather device from Madrona and find an energy spike at the same time SG2 are on a mission. "But SG2's mission is galaxies away from Madrona" Says Teal'c. At this time the only missions the teams could go on was in our own galaxy and couldn't be galaxies away.
Character mistake: When Faith arrives in LA she is carrying a bag. She puts it on the ground and then steals a man's jacket and wallet. Afterwards however, she leaves without picking up her bag.
Character mistake: When Kate mentions James Bond, and DiNozzo lists the actors who have played him, he forgets Timothy Dalton. As a self-proclaimed film buff, that's not a mistake he would make.
Well Bargained and Done - S1-E2
Character mistake: Tybus says he has a lance of 5 mechs. In Battletech, a lance is 4 mechs. While a Clan star does have 5 mechs, Tybus is an Inner Sphere character.
Catch A Falling Star - May 21, 1979 - S2-E10
Character mistake: In the preview for this episode, Charlie has trouble getting his countdown straight. He shouts that Sam is on in 50 seconds, then 47, then 48. In the episode itself, the mistake is corrected with a rather obvious overdub, changing the final number to 43. (00:02:05)
Origin of Iron Man: Part 1 - S1-E11
Character mistake: When young Tony Stark is telling his father that their helicopter's anti-flak chip didn't kick in, he acknowledges that it was his fault by saying he blew it. When his father corrects him and says "No Tony, we blew it. Stark and Son," Tony defensively says "The anti-flak chip failed, it's not my fault," completely contradicting what he said seconds earlier. (00:14:00)
Character mistake: When Ruzek and Voight are questioning Wade Henslow (the father of missing girl) at the station, after finding out he lied and set up his own security to find his daughter Adam looks at Wade Henson but addresses him as "Mr. Larson" which is actually the last name of one of the kidnappers they found DOA who got into the gun fight with his security guy, the ex-cop Kenny. (00:21:26)
Character mistake: The firefighters state that the acronym for CPR is ABC for Airway, Breathing, Circulation. This is very outdated as in 2010 the American Heart Association changed the recommendation to CAB for Compressions, Airway, Breathing following evidence that compressions first in CPR saves more lives.
The Alexander the Greater Affair (1) - S2-E1
Character mistake: When Alexander organizes the human chess game in his courtyard, the "pieces" stand the wrong way on the board, with a dark square in the lower right hand corner. That corner is always a light square. (00:22:50)
Character mistake: Rodney says that one hour in real time would give them months inside the field. This is incorrect because if the ratio of time were 1:250 as stated before, one hour would only convert to 250 hours, which is 10 days and 10 hours.
Character mistake: During the television report about the Sun Probe, a diagram shows the solarnauts' control cabin within the Probe Module. But we later see that the control cabin is within the body of the Probe Rocket when the Module is fired into the solar prominence.
On the Run - S3-E13
Character mistake: When Mrs Haldane is giving her statement to Regan she tells him that Cook was wearing dark glasses when she saw him outside her neighbour's house, but Cook wasn't wearing any glasses.
Character mistake: Tai says "And it started to snow in the middle of July" but later you find out that it takes place on August first.
Character mistake: The Enterprise is targeted by projectiles from the planet. Spock identifies them as "plasma torpedoes", and Captain Pike reacts with surprise; "Plasma torpedoes? That's 21st century tech" and from that they all establish that the civilization they contacted is not yet capable of warp drive. Plasma torpedoes are the main weaponry of the Romulans centuries later, and Earth itself did acquire warp drive in the 21st century, so this claim and deduction don't seem to add up. (00:22:15)
Character mistake: The sign in front of the tank Lt. Ladd is trapped in reads "ORDINANCE TESTING FIELD, DANGER.", but an ordinance is a type of decree or law. They probably meant 'ordnance', which is another word for artillery.