Character mistake: Near the end of the movie, John's wife calls one of his colleagues and says, "Jad, it's Laura, John needs a favour." Her character's name is Lara. (02:08:30)

Character mistake: Once Santino and Ares find John again in the hall of mirrors, John is fighting two of the grunt men that came in with Ares and kills them. Both of which had light assault rifles and weapons on them. John and Ares proceed to empty their pistols out at each other before she runs off with Santino. John then throws his empty pistol away and gets up to pursue his target unarmed and while limping. It is unreasonable to think that someone with his skill and training and experience would not take two seconds to reach down and pick up one of the guns dropped by the two men he just killed before chasing after his target, especially given the highly trained body guard with him accompanying his target. As well as probable encounters with more grunts. To add to this, he was seen doing just this moments before when he had limited ammo and each time he'd down a few enemies he would pick up one of their guns and continue. (01:41:30)

Character mistake: After Ben tells his story about his first encounter with the ghouls, Barbara begins her story. She talks about the ghoul Johnny was joking about. She tells Ben that she wanted to apologize. She states, "I said good evening, and he grabbed me." If you go back to that original scene, you'll never hear her say "Good evening." (00:29:40)

Character mistake: Jungle Julia refers several times to Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mitch and Tich, instead of Mick and Tich.

Character mistake: When the deputies chase Rambo in the forest, sometimes Teasle refers to Shingleton as Shingleton, but sometimes he calls him Singleton.

Character mistake: When Jenny McCarthy goes to the office to meet the director. She's calling out his name to see if he's there & calls " Roman.......Ronin.......Roman". (00:23:15)

Character mistake: When Deckard is talking to the street merchant trying to identify the snake scale, the identification number he reads aloud is not the number that shows on the monitor. (00:47:30)

Character mistake: Nicole Johnson, a criminology professor, after enumerating a number of facets of jurisprudence, states that following these tenets is, "The only way the criminal justice system can ever be perfect." As a professor, she is surely aware that, despite following the pronouncements in the referenced book, criminal justice is far from perfect.

Character mistake: At the end, when Mitch tells Agent Tarrance that the government can convict the law firm on mail fraud and racketeering, he says he got the idea while he was studying for the bar exam. He actually got the idea from a client earlier in the film when the client was complaining about being over-billed and tells Mitch that every time a bill is mailed through USPS, the firm is committing mail fraud which is a federal offense, punishable by fines and prison.
Suggested correction: This is not wholly correct. Mulholland (the client) planted the seed in Mitch's head, but Mitch realised instantly that it was a federal offense, presumably because he had studied it.

Character mistake: The word "satellite" on the uplink screen at which Sam Rockwell spends a lot of time staring, is incorrectly spelled "sattelite". The correct spelling is used a little further down on the same display.

Character mistake: In the scene where Detective Fanning and the other cops are investigating the first murder, one cop tosses a shell casing in a baggie out the window to Fanning. The cop then remarks, "You can still smell the cordite." This is incorrect because cordite has not been used as cartridge propellant since approximately the end of World War II.

Character mistake: At the Gazette office, as Ms. Rees-Jones watches, Steven scrolls up the next front page of the Gazette on his PC and under the photo of Chuck Hughes it reads, "...dead at age 37." However, when Frank gets into his car after being kicked out of the cemetery, under the current Gazette headline it reads, "30 yr. old Chuck Hughes who died of a mysterious heart ailment..." (00:03:10 - 00:05:30)

Character mistake: When LT. Col. Robert Neville's wife fails the eye scan and he's ordering the soldiers to scan her again, the soldier that escorts them to the scan point, and later to the helicopter mistakenly uses Will Smith's real last name. You can faintly here him identifying LT. Col. Robert Neville to another soldier as LT. Col. Robert Smith.

Character mistake: At the end of the film, the newscaster comments that the lone assassin has been killed, but the ticker beneath him reads "Lone assassin arrested."

Character mistake: Debbie is doing an "All 80s weekend" on her radio show, and the film's soundtrack is based on exactly the same idea. Debbie plays 'Rudie Can't Fail' by The Clash. This is from the London Calling album, which was released right at the end on 1979 in most countries. The song was never released as a single in any year, so it's definitely a 70s song. What's interesting abut this mistake is that the soundtrack was selected by former Clash lead singer Joe Strummer.

Character mistake: When newspapers are flashed on screen to demonstrate how the dragons have destroyed the countries, one of the headlines reads "Europes' capital cities in ruins." It should read "Europe's capital cities in ruins."

Character mistake: When Harold is recalling Michael's 'credentials', he refers to Hilcrest academy, claiming that Michael killed four students. However, Michael only killed two; Sarah and Charlie.

Character mistake: In the scene where Billy is called to the crime scene of Andrews' murder, Andrews' body is shown with a wound on his chest. Later in the movie though, Billy is questioning Todd Lancaster. Todd Lancaster says that he saw Andrews get shot in the head. (00:52:00 - 01:25:00)

Character mistake: When Anastasia has to make out the 5 million dollar check to "cash" to get the money to release Mia, she signs the check with her old last name, "Anastasia Steele" instead of "Anastasia Grey", which is written on the top left corner of the check.
Suggested correction: A key point in the movie is how Christian is upset that she didn't take his name in her work life, so it wouldn't be unreasonable that she signed the check using her maiden name (it also could have been just as easily a force of habit thing, it does take time to get used to using the correct name!).

Character mistake: During the fight in the double deuce where Wesley brings Jimmy in to take all the bouncers on, Jimmy takes on Wade, and Dalton comes to his rescue. Afterwards Wade says to Dalton 'same town new story', when in fact the line should have been, 'new town same story'.
Suggested correction: Wade said it that way on purpose. He was alluding to the idea that there is something different about this town's situation, compared with all the other towns where it was the same old situation.