Character mistake: In the court scene Clyde mentions a case, Day v McDonough docket number 04-1325. This is a real case, but the docket number is 04-1324.

Character mistake: In the beginning scene where the shuttle lands on Pandora, as Jake gets on his wheelchair preparing to alight from the shuttle, the man behind him unloading equipment has his exopack mask loose even though he is exposed to Pandora's atmosphere. (00:05:20)

Character mistake: The newspaper article states that Lucinda was thirty-three at the time of her death in 1988. However, that would make her just four years old when she wrote the time capsule note in 1959 - four years old in the 3rd grade?

Character mistake: When Edward leaves Forks, he does it because he believes that he will be protecting Bella. Except that he seemed to have forgotten that Victoria was still in Forks and was intent on killing Bella.

Character mistake: In the part after the premonition when everyone runs out of the speedway, Cynthia Daniels yells "Andy" to her husband, when her husband's name is Carter.
Suggested correction: Cynthia isn't the one saying it. Nadia, Andy's girlfriend, is calling after Andy as she follows him out. If you listen closely she actually calls after him more than once, beginning before Carter even starts to follow them out.

Character mistake: In a shot that flashes by very briefly, a London newspaper's headline is shown: "Sherlock Holmes Aides Police." "Aides" should be "aids".

Character mistake: Paul Walker is told of a 240SX with an illegal mod. You then see it is an S15. There was never an S15 240SX. It is a Japanese spec 200SX, chassis code S15.

Character mistake: When discussing the new Pope's name (Luke) at the end of the film, Langdon says: "There have been many Marks and Johns, but never a Luke." In fact, though there have been 23 Pope Johns, there has only been one Pope Mark - reigning for 9 months in 336.

Character mistake: While he is describing his origin, Dr. Manhattan mentions a circulatory system appearing at a military base. However, what is actually shown is a nervous system, as it depicts a brain and spinal cord.

Character mistake: The word "satellite" on the uplink screen at which Sam Rockwell spends a lot of time staring, is incorrectly spelled "sattelite". The correct spelling is used a little further down on the same display.

Character mistake: In the original Transformers, the final battle takes place in a fictional city known as Mission City, which according to Lennox is 22 miles away from the Hoover Dam, putting it close to Las Vegas. However, when Sam is in his dorm room, it's stated that the battle was in LA.

Character mistake: John, a doctor, doesn't tilt his daughter's head back as he gives her CPR.

Character mistake: Scarlett says that since McCullen is from Scotland, he speaks Celtic. Celtic is a group of languages, not a language unto itself (something a genius like Scarlett would most likely know); it would be like saying someone speaks Semitic or Germanic. McCullen would probably speak Scots or Scottish Gaelic, the official languages used in Scotland.

Character mistake: When Agent Carver is convincing Kira she's an agent and volunteered for the experiment, her badge reads Kira Hollis, but the end credits her name is Kira Houston.

Character mistake: At the end Chris Kline calls Chun-Li "Lana".

Character mistake: At the hospital, the inspector manages to get from the nurse the file of the patient with the liver condition. Forgetting the fact that the Turin, Italy hospital is using English for its documents (it's simply a cinematic convention), the problem is that the letterhead of this document says "Department of Chronic Deseases", misspelling the word.