Stupidity: They could've used the flying chopper thingy to kill off the armed guys when rescuing the kids off the train carriages. That way they could have made sure they got every single kid rather than rushing to just take the one containing Minho (which they messed up).

Stupidity: The idea that to stop someone from reading an e-mail if you can't sneakily delete the mail at least you can steal their computer altogether is flawed (for one, they can access their account from a different machine - and turns out Jules' mom has two laptops at home), but despite that, and the fact that everyone in Ben's team is supposedly tech-savvy, nobody takes exception to that. (01:10:20)

Stupidity: The ship crashes at the end after the reverse polarity from the shuttle causes an explosion. This could have been avoided by a) doing a spacewalk with a multimeter and checking the connections or b) not connecting the shuttle to the mothership. And it is hard to believe that there were no circuit breakers or fuses that would blow and protect the ship.

Stupidity: In the opening scene, when Jason lunges at Whitney, the screen cuts to the title card with his machete swinging 12-6 just inches from her skull. This makes it hard to believe he had a change of heart and pulled his windup before splitting her head in half.

Stupidity: Alex, a contract killer, went to the hospital to kill a patient. After parking in the hospital garage, Alex put his car keys under the sun visor, risking the possibility that his car could be stolen. When Alex returned to his vehicle, the keys were not there. A professional or expert assassin should take precautions to assure his getaway car will be there and keep his keys on him. (00:01:45 - 00:04:30)

Stupidity: Why didn't they take out the crushed hand guy while the creature was fumbling inside the glove? Plenty of time to do it. Why did no one use a knife to stab the creature?

Stupidity: When the rebel leader talks to Rick Flag guaranteeing her help, she mentions that she will help to find "this Gaius Grieves", speaking as if it was someone unknown to her. He's been around the island (going to bars and surely not being reclusive) for 30 years; it's pretty difficult to think it would not be one of the most known people on the island, given his role, unique appearance and the small community.

Stupidity: Considering Rocky keeps hitting Drago after the bell sounds to end the round in their main event fight shouldn't he be disqualified?
Suggested correction: This is up to the discretion of the ref. If he deems the strikes to not be particularly egregious he can let the fight continue. Even if they are deemed illegal strikes, that doesn't mean that Rocky will be automatically disqualified. The ref can dock a point from Rocky instead, which he very well might have done at some point which we never see. Since Rocky wins by knockout having a point docked doesn't matter.

Stupidity: There was no particular reason for Nuclear Man to take Lacy into the space in the first place.

Stupidity: Vincent's choice to cut the power to the building that Annie is in does nothing but waste enough time for Max to save Annie. It would have been easier just to go up to kill her and he probably would have gotten away from the police if he did so.
Suggested correction: It also slows Annie and Max down by forcing them to walk in the dark, and also, at this point, Vincent is really torn up from the crash, and the mere sight of him is going to make Annie very suspicious or even afraid, unless the power out (which for all she knows is just from the building) gives him a plausible reason for being so mauled.

Stupidity: While Mr. Butler was upstairs taking a shower, Lucas goes into his house, kills his wife, and takes the baby to the school (into Mr. Butler's classroom). Lucas wanted to take away Mr. Butler's family, so all he needed to do was also kill the baby at the house (or leave the dead baby outside on the porch for Mr. Butler to panic while searching). Lucas could have left the house without getting caught for committing a double murder; instead, he keeps the baby alive and assumes Mr. Butler will know he took the baby to his classroom. (01:17:53)

Stupidity: During the final battle, Gomm kills one of the rednecks by sticking his tentacles into the man's eyes. However, the entire scene is shot very sloppily. The man has his gun trained on Gomm for almost 10 full seconds, and just stands there while the tentacles come out slowly, Gomm laughs, and then the tentacles shoot forward. Given the amount of mayhem and creatures, there's no reason for the redneck to have not just shot Gomm during that period of time.

Stupidity: During the film's climax where Santa and his reindeer successfully ascend over Manhattan, the sleigh's rocket engine falls off and apparently is no longer needed. Isn't it rather risky (and foolish) to assume (or hope) that the other cities on his flight path have enough "belief power" to sustain him aloft for the rest of his journey?

Stupidity: The minivan is involved in multiple serious accidents but shows very little damage.

Stupidity: After one of the policemen decides to jump over the railing and right into the angry mob (!), Arthur just easily sneaks by ducking under it and takes a nice stroll that will lead him through an unlocked door. Nobody in the mob he is part of decides to do the same, and you can also see that one of the policemen is turned towards him, but does not even yell at him or move. And of course, with the theater packed with the Gotham elite basically under siege by a mob and guarded by the police, the door is unlocked and unchecked. Why not. (01:02:55)
Suggested correction: The point is they were all too distracted by the tussle to notice Arthur ducking behind the barrier. No cop sees him. The angry mob is controlled by the barrier and not all that large so they haven't taken extra precautions to keep the mob at bay, yet. The door Arthur gets in is probably a fire escape and can't be locked for safety reasons.
I think that with an angry mob worth putting barriers and a big police dispatch, they'd tend to lock the door that is like a 20 feet of walk in a straight line. I mean, they have barriers in front of the stairs, but at the base of the stairs there's an unguarded, unprotected, unlocked door. It's just funny. Not even something in the back or around the corner, no; literally one step to the right of the blockade.

Stupidity: After so many failed attempts to open the large sea doors, why didn't the apes first breach the facility by climbing to the top of the cliff and simply enter through the existing rusted out exhaust vents where they escaped the rushing water?

Stupidity: In the freezer you can see the electrical wire power cord that is powering the motor on the wall. She could have easily pulled/ ripped the wire to stop the freezer from working. And when the chemical bomb is in the mixer they could have unplugged the machine which would stop it from going off.