Question: Regarding that move Hawks does where he lifts his fingers and adjusts then in a different position in order to get the advantage and win, a) what is the significance of doing this (what exactly is he doing) and b) is this even legal in a real arm wrestling tournament?

Question: At the end of the movie, the Voice is credited as Himself. Who was really responsible for doing the voice that sent Ray on his journey?
Answer: It was actually his own voice (Kevin Costner) that sent him on the journey. At the end of the movie there's even the part where Ray is recalling the voices he heard and turned to Shoeless Joe Jackson and says, "It was you". At which point Joe Jackson turns around and says, "No Ray. It was you".

Question: What is Shane's quote in the last huddle? Something like pain is temporary...glory lasts forever"?
Answer: "Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever."

Question: Is the ballet they perform a real ballet? Or is it something made up for the movie?
Answer: The ballet was written for the movie.

Question: Why does Daniel's karate skills regress in this movie? After fighting a Karate champ in the first movie and a Japanese fighter in the second, surely he must have gotten better as a fighter, not worse?
Chosen answer: First he could have just been out of practice, but the point they made in the movie was that his moves were old, so they knew how to counter the things he did in the past to win.

Question: Why and who were the guys following Rocky in the car when he was training?
Answer: They were Rocky's chaperones. They were even seen in the cabin Rocky was staying in and playing chess with Duke.
Chosen answer: People who worked for the Soviet government assigned to spy on Rocky.

Question: Is there some reason that we are considently seeing planes fly over her house? Is that supposed to symbolize something?
Answer: Jess' house is supposed to be on the main flight path of Heathrow airport. Her mum and dad work there.
Answer: I doubt it; it's probably because the film is set in the Borough of Hounslow, which is in the flight paths of many London airports, including Heathrow.

Question: What is the name of the actor who plays Notre Dame player 75, last name Mateus? I can't find him in the credits. He's the guy who starts chanting "Rudy" during the Georgia Tech game. I know Al Snow aka Allen Sarven plays an uncredited Notre Dame player in the movie, but it is not him - I have seen pics of Al Snow, and he is NOT the guy. There is more than one uncredited Notre Dame player in the film. (I have posted this question before, and the reply was Al Snow, so please don't answer this unless you actually know who the actor is. Thank you.)
Answer: According to the Trivia section (as well as some web searching) it seems to be Peter Rausch, an ex-Notre Dame football player.
Answer: Peter Rausch had already completed his NCAA eligibility by the time the movie started filming. He can be seen wearing the number 75, starting the "Rudy" chant from the field. His character's name is "Steve."
Answer: His real last name is Mateus. He and several Western Michigan University football players were cast in the film. I know this for fact because I worked at Scott's iron Campus in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He and several of his friends were close friends with the owner and were in the restaurant almost daily. They also built a loft bed for me in the dorms.

Question: When Chozen, while bullying Daniel, takes the latter's handheld drum (which Chozen mockingly called a "baby rattle") and calls the latter a baby, Kumiko, sticking up for Daniel, fiercely says a phrase in Japanese (or Ryukyuan) to Chozen. What exactly does Kumiko say, and what does it mean? (00:57:50)
Answer: "You are crazy."

Question: Many people have observed this has virtually the same plot as the 1991 film Doc Hollywood. Did Warner Bros. ever have any comment on that?
Chosen answer: Nope, nothing official was ever said. There are very few truly original film storylines these days; a close examination of most films would allow one to swiftly note plot similarities to any one of a number of preceding movies. Both Cars and Doc Hollywood fit neatly in a very standard storyline of an outsider coming into an unfamiliar cultural group, which they learn to appreciate and benefit from, while their presence likewise benefits the group they encounter. While the two are unusually similar, no comment on the subject was ever made.

Question: What happened to Jimmy's brother in the movie?
Answer: It's never fully revealed, it seems David and his brother were playing, probably doing something that requires parental supervisor and was unable to save him. Again, probably David was the older one and his father believed he should have known better.

Question: At the end of the movie, it shows Benny managing to steal home, being called safe, the catcher arguing that Benny was out and the umpire saying Benny was safe. In slow motion, it shows the catcher catching the ball and tagging Benny as he slides into home so why wasn't Benny called out?
Answer: The umpire got the call wrong in that case. It happens all the time in real life. It wasn't allowed back then, but now Major League Baseball and other sports leagues will use instant replay to make sure they get close calls right.
Answer: The catcher tags Benny on the chest after he touches home plate with his left hand. Safe.
Answer: The film shows Benny beating the tag. Although the ball gets there before Benny, the catcher tags Benny a split second after his hand touches home plate.

Question: Why does Daniel get annoyed with Miyagi after he says Daniel was lucky he didn't hurt his hand falling off his bike?
Answer: Daniel's wounds came from fighting the Cobra Kai guys but he tells Miyagi that he was injured falling off of his bike. Miyagi sees through this and sarcastically says that he's lucky his hand wasn't hurt.
I think he was also subtle letting him know he knew he didn't really fall off his bike because if he had, he would have at the very least scraped his hands...especially if he fell hard enough to cause that much damage to his face.

Question: Is it true that the Jamaica bobsled team performed poorly at first during training as shown in in the film?
Answer: The real Jamaican team performed poorly throughout the Olympics and did not finish.

Question: I could not figure out why Red borrowed $20.00. Could someone fill me in?
Answer: Red asked for $10 because he needed to see a dentist, and Howard gave him $20.

Question: Wouldn't it have made sense ton purchase a new battery if Grant Taylor's car kept breaking down?
Answer: No. It might not been the battery.

Question: Is it ever revealed what Frankie's secret is? Why is he estranged from his daughter and looking for forgiveness?
Answer: No, the cause of conflict between Frankie and his daughter is never revealed - we only know that she returns his weekly letters, and it has been some time since they have had contact.

Question: What's the name of the song playing at the end, when Ali defeats Foreman, and also when Ali is running through Zaire?
Answer: The song at the end is called Tomorrow by sauf keita. Its on the soundtrack and is the same one when Ali is running through zaire.

Question: Usually a cheerleader team has a coach. Where is the coach during practices?
Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?
Answer: It's a regrip to get leverage. Yes it's legal. The best arm wrestler in the world Devon Larratt does it with perfection. Usually works only in a strap match.