Question: What happened to Terry, Tommy, Karp, Peter and Tammy?

Question: I realize how much the wedding ring must have meant to Mae Braddock, but I don't see why she would not have pawned it, rather than send her children away or become sicker because they could not pay for the heat?
Answer: In that case, you apparently don't realise how much the ring means to her.

Question: When they promote the fight, why do they say January 1st is America's birthday?
Answer: They mean the entire year, 1976, is America's birth "day," being the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence. So the fight, taking place on January 1, is the "first sporting event on our two hundredth birthday."

Question: What was Tony's reason that he was afraid of Apollo fighting Rocky again?
Answer: With all the damage Apollo did to Rocky, Rocky still wasn't knocked out. In the film series, Rocky is depicted as having an almost superhuman ability to absorb punches. Rocky also caused internal bleeding in Apollo. Tony knew that Rocky was far more dangerous than anyone realized.

Question: How exactly did Leslie initially intend on crossing the Bering or Chukchi Sea from Alaska into Russia? I know he and Professor Fate end up floating on a large mass of ice to do so, but that's not exactly something you can plan for.
Chosen answer: The cars and drivers were supposed to make the trip by ship from North America across the Bering Strait to a Russian port, where they would resume the race. As it happened, Leslie and Fate were stranded in a blizzard on the North American side before they reached the ship. The ice beneath their cars unexpectedly broke away and drifted across the Bering Strait, improbably arriving at the intended destination port in Russia. As they drift into port, we see Leslie's right-hand man, Hezekiah, waving at them from the Russian dock, which is only possible if Hezekiah made the journey by the very ship that Leslie and Fate missed.

Question: In the movie, when you see Happy's dream (happy place) for the second time, you see Shooter "eat" Grandma's tongue, however, in the TV version, that part is cut out, why? There's nothing bad about that part.
Answer: I tried to find if a specific reason was given, but couldn't. However, movie studios provide the edited version of films for television and airlines. Removing this scene (or this scene and whatever else was cut) probably would have given "Happy Gilmore" an MPAA rating of "PG", making it more suitable to broadcast. (Of course, this is 90's MPAA standards, and if "Happy Gilmore" was released today, it might get a "PG" rating and not "PG-13.) Additionally, scenes are also cut for time, so the version that was broadcast might have been for time and not content. Studios will also include deleted scenes (often not available on home release versions) into the broadcast version to ensure the film is long enough if too many scenes have to be cut.

Question: At various points in the film the car brakes are glowing red hot, would this happen in real life or is it for show?
Answer: Watch any NASCAR short track night race where heavy braking is required, the brake rotors glow at every turn.
Answer: I watched this movie with my father, who actually participated in Autocross races in the past. He says from first hand experience that this is indeed real. The breaks get so heated from use in the race during the rapid slowing and going that they glow hot. This is why there are racing grade breaks and it's unwise to try and race without them.
Agreed. My dad is a former race car mechanic and he said that this absolutely happens all the time.

Question: Why did Brooks want to make his players hate him?
Answer: Since they all came from different, sometimes rival, universities, and thus had no commonality, he wanted to give them someone to dislike together, instead of fighting with one another. If they could all bond over what a bastard Brooks was, they'd come together faster as a team and have a chance of winning.

Question: Would Clubber Lang have been charged in Mickey's death since it was his shoving Mickey that caused his heart attack and eventual death?
Answer: Unlikely. Lang shoved him in the heat of the moment, and there's no indication he meant to kill or injure him.

Question: Is any of the sub-plot with Timo Cruz and his friend (relative?) getting shot true?
Answer: I take it that you are asking if in real life was Timo Cruz's cousin shot. The answer would be no because Timo Cruz is not a real person. While the film is (loosely) based on a true story, none of the players in the film (with the exception of Damien, Coach Carter's son) were real life students of Carter. The characters in the film were all composites of real life players. That being said, I don't know if there was a player on the team that had a cousin shot, certainly nothing prominent about it is reported. It's highly unlikely though as many of Carter's real life players dispute the negative portrayal of the personalities of the players and say the characters were falsely portrayed (along with facts like game scores and records). Darryl Robinson is quoted as saying "Hollywood missed it by a country mile. The kids buying drugs and shooting people, that never happened. The kids were a good group to begin with, there were no troublemakers, there was none of that."

Question: Just out of curiosity, they didn't mention what happen to that Alan guy who gave his position to Pete. Did he go on to play college ball?
Answer: Alan Bosley was not a real person, just a character they made up for the movie, if you are looking for any info on the real players go to this site, http://www.71originaltitans.com.

Question: In the scene where Will Ferrell is talking to his wife he says "They were running around like whirling derbishes, and I don't even know what that is" or something to that effect. What is a derbish and why does it whirl?
Answer: An actual dervish (not derbish) is a member of any of various Muslim ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion (hence the term "whirling dervish"), though in general 'a whirling dervish' is used for anyone who moves with an unfocused, almost frenzied energy.

Question: Why did Bennett smash the wall of his old house?
Answer: He was angry.

Question: Why is no credit given to Jack Lemmon?
Answer: There are many reasons that known actors appear in movies and are uncredited. Cameo appearances often go un-credited. Actors sometimes do a cameo if they are friends with the director or the other stars. It can add an unexpected surprise for the audience. There are also contract and payment issues if an actor receives billing in the credit. Jack Lemmon, who was the narrator for the story, may have preferred not being credited. He was certainly a big enough star that if he wanted to be listed in the credits, he would have received proper billing.

Question: In the trailer for Radio (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0316465/trailers-screenplay-E18624-314), at the 1:23 point, some very distinctive music begins. This same music was used in one of the trailers for Forrest Gump. Is there a connection between the two?
Chosen answer: Probably not. Many trailers re-use distinctive music from older trailers they are not related to.

Question: In the locker room before the fights begin, Gillon uses the phrase, "blind as Tidwell's goat." What is the reference here? I've looked online and can't find anything about it.
Answer: Maybe it's just a local reference known only to the local residents of Diggstown. Then again, I can't find any info on the town of Diggstown either.
Diggstown, GA is a fictional town.

Question: Can somebody please tell me the joke that Lynn keeps trying to tell.
Answer: The grandmother takes her grandson to the beach and falls asleep, while she is sleeping a huge wave comes in and sweeps the boy out to sea. Grandma wakes up to find the boy gone and begins to pray "Lord, if you bring him back, I will do anything you want." Another huge wave comes in and deposits the boy safe and sound in front of the grandmother and she looks to heaven and says "he had a hat on, you know!"
Answer: Their absence is never explained so it can be assumed they either moved away, lost an interest in hockey, or couldn't participate for some other reason. Terry's brother Jesse is still on the team so he probably hasn't moved.