Question: Was there any reason why Tong Po is listed as being played by himself when he was played by Michel Qissi? This is in the film's credit, I know IMDB listed Qissi as the actor. And if this was just a mistake, was there an explanation given as to how it was made or got past editing?
Answer: This is a mistake that has never been explained.

Question: Did coach Haskins treat his players the way he does in the movie?
Answer: Yes. He really did integrate them to teach them to work as a team and give them guidance to help them off the field (such as with school work). His coaching method shown in the film is also accurate. Coaches screaming at the players, mocking them, and being what we would say is "harsh" with them was common coaching practice in the 70s that no-one would have batted an eye to. Especially in the south. Coach Boone would have especially been under pressure to show his players he meant business due to the concern that some of them might not take him seriously as a new black coach. If he had been seen as "easy", the team may not have been motivated to do as well as they did.

Question: Right before the climatic fight, "Razor" gives a nod to Sally in the audience, then sees another guy in the audience who just smirks and flips him off. Razor just nods and smirks back at him. Who was that guy that flipped him off and why?
Chosen answer: He is the MMA fighter that Razor punched earlier in the film during one of the fight promotions.

Question: What brand of rum does Cerano have in his locker for Jobu?
Answer: At about 17 min. in is the best view of the bottle, it says "Bonded" at the top of the label, then just "Jamaca Rum". Below that you can barely make out "A Product of..." the rest is too out of focus.

Question: What is the name and artist of the song that plays when the Knicks' winning streak begins?
Answer: "Rock & Roll pt 2" by Gary Glitter.

Question: Dave Schultz trained Kurt Angle. Did Kurt (or at least someone playing him) appear in the film?
Answer: No actor is credited for the role of Kurt Angle, and there are no overt references to him in the film.
Thank you.

Question: There is a short scene with a group of African-American youths on a staircase playing this dice game where they throw the dice and take money, or something along those lines. This game has been featured in many other films. What is this game called, and what exactly do you do in it?
Answer: This is almost exactly like the casino game 'Craps'. Except you are only trying to roll your original number. If you roll a '7' before your original number then you lose. If you roll your original number before the '7', then you win. The other crap rules usually do not apply.

Question: What is the name of the melody sung by the Mexican (mariachi) singers at the restaurant when Jerry is having dinner with Dorothy? I looked for it in the soundtrack but it's not included.
Chosen answer: It's "Words Get In The Way" by Miami Sound Machine.

Question: In Rocky V we learn that Rocky can't get licensed because of permanent brain damage. So how is it that, more than 15 years after the events of Rocky V, he is able to get licensed so easily?
Answer: Stallone himself answered this question in an interview. "When Rocky was diagnosed with brain damage he never went for a second opinion and yielded to his wife's wishes to stop. So with the advent of new research techniques into brain damage, Rocky was found to be normal among fighters and he was suffering the results of a severe concussion. By today's standards Rocky Balboa would be given a clean bill of health for fighters.

Question: How could the girls not see that Martha was a boy? In the movie his voice is deep well until Kim came to visit him.
Answer: Maybe they just thought he had a deep voice for a girl. I also thought about that, like when the girls hug Martha he's a guy - no boobs - but it's just a fun movie.
Answer: Cross-dressing is a time honored tradition in comedy and it requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy. A character who is obviously a boy to the audience but none of the characters noticing is a big part of what makes these films funny.

Question: I'm no expert on figure skating, so could someone explain why Kate couldn't just become a single skater when she had trouble finding a partner to work with? (Her father says that they should have made her a single skater). To the untrained eye, the fundamentals of single and pair skating seem the same.
Chosen answer: One reason is that singles skating focuses on jumps. Pair skaters usually do side-by-side jumps like double axles and the easier triple jumps. Single skaters now do up to three triple jumps in a row - a skill that pair skaters do not work so hard to master and may set her back in competitions.

Question: Could a High School football team really coach itself in the last quarter of the game? Wouldn't the ref not allow an injured player, such as Lance, to coach since he's not an official high-school coach? I always wondered this.
Answer: There's no rule in any sport, at least none that I could find, that requires a team to have, or listen to, a coach. Obviously in most cases it's a good idea, but if the coach were poor and/or working against the interests of the team, the players wouldn't be breaking any rules by simply ignoring them and listening to someone else.

Question: Does anyone know what the song is that appears in this film and The Girl Next Door?
Answer: "This Years Love" by David Gray (from his White Ladder album).
Answer: He didn't want to use his real name.