The Karate Kid III

Question: Why does Daniel's karate skills regress in this movie? After fighting a Karate champ in the first movie and a Japanese fighter in the second, surely he must have gotten better as a fighter, not worse?


Chosen answer: First he could have just been out of practice, but the point they made in the movie was that his moves were old, so they knew how to counter the things he did in the past to win.


Question: How did Kreese lose his dojo?

Answer: He lost all his students after he flipped out on Johnny. Without students, he couldn't pay his bills.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: Kreese strangled Johnny, after the latter lost to Daniel. This proved just what kind of teacher, as well as person, Kreese is. His students after seeing this, realised just what Cobra Kai puts in their head, as well as just what kind of person and teacher Kreese is. Specifically, after seeing Kreese strangle Johnny, they thought, "I WON'T be your student, if you're gonna treat me like that!" Therefore, they left, and Cobra Kai went out of business.

Answer: Ralph Macchio admitted that he didn't like it as he felt that they were just making the first movie all over again and left out a lot of good stuff.

Answer: It's part of his plan to ruin him. He trains him to be overly aggressive, which will not serve him well in the tournament. Also, he enjoys watching Danny suffer through the rigorous and painful training.

Question: Was there a particular reason why the defending champion only fought in the last fight/round? Why exactly did the rules change in this tournament?


Answer: It was a new rule just brought in that year. Defending champion only had to fight in the final.

Chosen answer: My guess is that they wanted to give everyone a chance to fight to the end without a bunch of people needing to fight the previous champion, and therefore be knocked out early by someone of obviously higher skill.

Johnny Lawrence was the champ the previous year. And he fought his way to the championship.

As mentioned previously, it's stated in the film that it's a new rule that the champion on fights in the last round.

Question: What's the story behind Mike Barnes? How old is he? Where does he come from?


Chosen answer: Mike Barnes is another karate champion, someone known in the karate tournament world as being brutal and excellent. It is never stated where he comes from, but it is far enough away to require a plane flight. His age is also never stated, but as it is an under-18 tournament and he can drive a car, we can assume it is either 16 or 17.

Answer: Mike most likely comes from north of LA (northern California, Oregon, or Washington) based on the fact that he said "if I come DOWN here and beat this Larusso kid..." Usually the term for travelling "down here" refers to coming from the north, "up here" is coming from the south, and "out here" or "over here" is from coming from the east or west.

It's not quite as simple as that. It wouldn't be unusual for someone from Kansas City, Chicago, or Detroit, etc. to describe traveling to LA as going "down" there.


Answer: He answered this question in the scene. He said karate only means something if it's used to defend honor and life, but means nothing if it's used to defend a plastic metal trophy so he doesn't want to train Daniel for a purpose he doesn't believe in.

Question: While doing the kata, the only time Daniel moves his feet is when he turns during the kata. He never moves towards Barnes. At one point, Barnes tries to moves towards Daniel but stops when Daniel starts the kata. It is finally Barnes who moves towards Daniel, not the other way around. Would it be legal for Daniel to distract Barnes with kata in the middle of a tournament, as he's not moving towards Barnes at any time?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is legal. As long as a competitor is in motion the match continues. Had Daniel stayed in his upright "ready stance", he would have been dq'd for match delay.

Chosen answer: He is saying that when Silver thinks about using the wheel kick, it is revealed by something in his stance or technique beforehand, so his opponent will have plenty of time to block, evade or counter-attack the kick. It is a fairly common expression in sports, but particularly in martial arts.


Question: On IMDB, the bio for actor Sean Kanan who played Mike Barnes, stated that he almost died during filming of this movie. However the trivia section states nothing about it. Does anybody out there know what happened that caused him to almost die?


Chosen answer: Kanan performed his own stunts, and during one of these he was injured with an internal bleeding, which was not discovered until later. When he took aspirin for the pain, combined with his injuries he went into hypovolemic shock and had to be rushed to the hospital.


It was the scene where Mr. Miyagi threw him through the doors of the new Cobra Kai dojo. They did a large number of takes, and it tore his abdominal wall.


Question: Why is Daniel afraid of Mike Barnes when he fought in a supposed fight to the death against a karate master in the second film?


Chosen answer: He is fighting someone who is specifically trying to hurt and injure him. He also is worried because he was betrayed by Terry Silver and doesn't know how much Barnes knows about him.

Chosen was trying to kill him not just hurt him, this still doesn't explain his fear.

Answer: Daniel doesn't believe the Okinawan guy is a real threat, he is coming off his big victory in his last fight. Barnes is a better aggressor and gets in his head, also its s movie.

Question: In Kobra Kai, Silver tells Chozen he never had children. Then why are people saying Snake was Silver's son especially since it was never established in the movie that he was?


Answer: When the movie came out in '89, it was revealed by the director John Avildsen that he had cast his real life son Jonathon as Terry Silvers son Snake. Although that connection is not mentioned in the movie, it did help explain why a grown man had a teenage boy living in his house.

Question: Is the woman who asks Daniel and Mr Miyagi why they were in her cab the same woman from the first movie who tells Daniel where to find Mr Miyagi so he could fix his faucet?


Answer: Yes, it's the same woman. She is Frances Bay. In the first film she's listed as "Lady with Dog." In the third film she is listed as "Mrs. Milo." She lives in the apartment complex.


Question: Why did Daniel think Mr. Miyagi was making fun of him with the sweeping? He taught him how to block by waxing cars so shouldn't Daniel have figured there was something with moving the broom to teach him how to do a front sweep?


Answer: Daniel was frustrated with Mr. Miyagi because he would not support Daniel entering the tournament. He probably thought that Mr. Miyagi was making fun of him.

Answer: Daniel's an impatient kid who wants everything laid out in a clear, straightforward manner. He may have thought the "wax on-wax off" incident was a one-time ploy and believes from that point on the training will be more conventional. Mr. Miyagi has other ideas about his teaching methods.


Answer: It's the same house, but it's not unusual for a character's home, workplace, etc. to undergo slight physical changes in a sequel. There can be a number of reasons for this, but mostly it is logistical and/or economic. For example, Bella Swan's house in the Twilight movies looked the same, but in the sequels, the production crew built a replica of the house used in the first film. You can see that the property and surrounding streets are completely different.


Thanks but I just remembered that When Mr Miyagi and Daniel got back from okinawa, didn't he lose that home?

You're mistaking Mr. Miyagi's home for his janitorial office in the apartment complex in Reseda. When they got back from Okinaya, the apartment was being torn down, thus Miyagi losing his job/office. His actual "house" was not affected by this.

Answer: Yes. The backyard is still the same so it must be.

Answer: Because he liked to practise Kata.

Answer: Miyagi was not going to help Daniel train for the upcoming tournament just for Daniel to win a trophy. He felt karate should be used for defence in real-life situations only. Daniel was being secretly trained by Terry Silver, who was actually trying to hurt Daniel and brainwash him to be against Miyagi's ways of Karate. This all caused the anger Daniel had for Miyagi throughout many scenes as he simply felt Miyagi was not helping him.

Answer: Kata is definitely real and is used in several Japanese martial arts to varying degrees.


Answer: Returning to LA from Okinawa, he'd just found out that the apartment he was working at (from Part 1) was being torn down, therefore putting him out of a job. He was sad when taking one last look at the room he had to leave now with no job.

Other mistake: When Miyagi throws Mike into the light switches, the lights go out but the switches never change position.

More mistakes in The Karate Kid III

Daniel Larusso: I know you don't believe in fighting, but tournament karate isn't exactly fighting.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Not exactly ping-pong, either.

More quotes from The Karate Kid III

Trivia: The bonsai shop building in the film was torn down years ago, but the stairs outside still remain to this day.

More trivia for The Karate Kid III

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