Plot hole: The opaque red lined map that Otomo retrieves from his first fight is ridiculous. Why would people who know where the hidden base is be carrying around a map on them (which shows a route so basic that they'd have to be brain-dead not to be able to remember it anyway) just so that conveniently one of their enemies can get it?

Plot hole: A nuclear armed stealth fighter is accidentally sent back in time to 1940's Nazi Germany. After the Nazis capture it, two days later they drop a nuclear bomb on the United States. There are several basic problems here. Firstly, if the Nazis captured advanced technology, wouldn't they spend more time taking the plane apart and interrogating the captured pilot? How on earth did they manage to train a pilot to fly the stealth in such a short length of time? And how did the stealth fighter manage to reach the U.S. from Germany when in-flight refuelling was unknown then?

Plot hole: Michael McKean quits pursuing Beldar and approximately 15 years pass as indicated by Connie growing up, yet when you see McKean again and his assistant, they have not aged at all.

Plot hole: After Steven breaks out of prison, he goes to Jason's home. Then Jessica's boyfriend shows up talking on the phone and he says he will ask Jessica for permission to shoot their show at Jason's house. He should know that Jessica doesn't know she is a relative of Jason.
Suggested correction: Considering a building fell on the bodies it would be extremely hard to determine the actual cause of death. Phoenix also could have killed them in a way that doesn't easily show in an autopsy, like asphyxiation.
True, but why would they take the word of a known murdering kingpin over a police officer that while may not do things by the book, has always been for the greater good? It just seems way too far fetched.
The lack of soot and other ignition debris in the lungs and tracheas of the dead bodies would have immediately told the pathologists and coroners who examined the bodies that the hostages were dead before the building was destroyed by an explosion supposedly set off by John Spartan. It doesn't matter how badly mangled the bodies were - a tissue sample no bigger than your little finger would have told them everything they needed to know. John Spartan did not commit manslaughter.