Plot hole: If the dinosaurs are so dangerous, why are they only kept behind plastic sheeting at the back of the truck, rather than in cages? There are computers in the truck, so obviously people must go in there, and it wouldn't be very safe to use computers if dinosaurs were roaming free in the trucks.

Plot hole: When Peyton/Darkman is showing Bridget how the liquid skin works, he drips a small amount onto his burnt finger, and it solidifies. However, when he drops it onto his finger, it magically shapes itself into a replica of a perfect, undamaged finger. This makes no sense, as it is simply a liquid and is not being molded by any forces. Hence, it should not look like a perfect finger.

Plot hole: If the president thinks it's so important that the Martians comes to the Congress to present their excuses, why didn't they bring the translating machine? (00:52:35)
Suggested correction: Because, as has been demonstrated, the "translating" machine is about as much use as t*ts on a tomcat.

Plot hole: Malloy and the others tell Snake that the Plutoxin 7 virus would cause nervous system shutdown without the antivirus. When he got back, it was revealed that it was just a hard hitting case of the flu. Why then did, at the base, the computer showing his countdown timer over the course of the film say when nervous system shutdown, not the full extent of the flu, would occur. Maybe for sake of the audience to avoid a spoiler, but those who had already seen the movie would notice this.
Suggested correction: Because the countdown timer was lying to him as well. It was programmed to do so.

Plot hole: When Picard, Hawk and Worf are out on the particle transmitter, they each have one gun. However, when Picard is attacked by Hawk, the gun that Hawk used is being stepped on by him. Picard left his gun over at the other mag lock, and Worf threw his away, but when the captain was in trouble, Worf had a gun. He would not have had time to run around to Picard's side before he was attacked by Hawk, so where did Worf get the other gun from?
Suggested correction: As you can see in a wide shot after Worf's suit is cut, his gun is still hanging close by. So after he closed the gap in his suit he just grabbed his own gun. Of course, he did throw it away and it should have kept on moving all the way out of reach but something stopped it. But you do see it still in reach of Worf.

Plot hole: When Earl, Grady, Burt and Kate are running from the truck that Burt shot, they go towards the cantina, which has a couple of smaller blue and white structures beside it. In a wide shot as they're running, we see the 1st shed at the side of the frame. A moment later Earl sees several walking Graboids in front of the 2nd shed. The beasts were in plain sight, yet nobody noticed until they were almost on top of them. (01:14:50)