Easter egg: Go to the page for scenes 13-16. After you wait for a while,(Note: a lot of patience is required to find this) a 17th scene will appear. Click on it and it will take you to a page with secret military files. Unfortunately, only three of them actually work. Only time will tell how to access the other ones.

Easter egg: (Blu-ray) On Disk 1, open the "Extras" submenu and highlight "BD-Live". Press the Right arrow/button and a wire-frame of Iron Man will appear below it. Press the Enter button and a brief behind-the-scene vignette between Stan Lee and Robert Downey Jr. will appear.

Easter egg: Mess around with your remote controls, until you highlight the W with the 214 value underneath. You will be greeted with a old title test from Summer of 2004, in which was used to pitch the original plot and script for W.A.L.-E (WALL-E).