Other mistake: During the revelation of the second death, when the killer opens the toxicology report they just retrieved, the date is revealed; it says it was issued on 09/27/2018. But the events of the movie happen in November (it's Sunday 18th Nov when Marta wakes up with all the reporters at her door). It should also be noted that when a close-up of the report was shown earlier (when Ransom was looking at the anonymous letter brought by Marta) that copy had a big stamp in a corner saying 11-17-18, that in this copy is totally absent. (01:56:55)

Other mistake: In the flashback of the denouement, Dr. Armstrong is shown dead face down on the beach, with the feet pointed ashore and the head to the sea. Mr. Owen takes also a sip from that Armstrong's flask and tosses it in the sand without capping it. However, Vera and Lombard found a corpse face inland and feet to the sea, and a flask with its lid in place. (01:28:50 - 01:34:40)

Other mistake: When Sam and Tara first meet Gale outside, after Gale gets punched, pay attention to the multiple news crews behind her as they start arguing about Gale's book. Randomly, they go from paying attention and recording to suddenly all dispersing and packing up after the shot cuts to Sam and then back to Gale. This makes absolutely no sense. They're all involved in a very famous case; there's no reason every reporter there would suddenly start packing up in the five seconds they were offscreen.

Other mistake: The second time Virginia goes down the slide in the 9th Kingdom, you can see that it is a stunt double hurrying to get off at the end.

Other mistake: About a third of the way into the film when Nick leaves school and is running home he gets hit by a car and run over by a truck. Before both events the vehicles horns can be heard, as if the drivers are warning Nick to get out of the road. If Nick was invisible there would be no reason for them to honk their horns at all.

Other mistake: After the main characters are talking in a bar, the camera shows a wire above a street. On the wire, there are 3 pairs of old shoes hanging by the laces. However, a closer look reveals that 2 of the 3 pairs are NOT actual shoes, they are just cardboard cut-outs printed to look like shoes and they have the same graphic. (00:36:25)

Other mistake: After the third homicide, everyone gathers around the statuettes of the ten little Indians. Small problem, though. There are eleven little Indians. (00:42:20)

Other mistake: Why hasn't there been a mention of Freddy having a child in previous films? Couldn't be because they covered it up, as soon as Freddy was discovered to be the Springwood slasher the media would have been all over him and his family.
Suggested correction: Throughout the entire series, it's shown that there's sort a miniature conspiracy going on where the people of Springwood have been trying to make everyone forget about Kruger, including actively suppressing evidence. It's possible that when he was initially caught, the media was aware of his daughter, but not only would it not have been that big a deal (they were focused on him- not his family) in the decades that have passed since his original "death", the information was likely covered up or ignored in favor of trying to make everyone forget about it. (Hence, even Maggie doesn't know Freddy is her father.) Furthermore, the fact he has a daughter has basically no impact whatsoever on the story thus far, so it makes sense it hasn't been brought up before.
It has never been shown in any nightmare film that there is a cover up conspiracy until Freddy vs Jason (which takes place 5 years after this film), and that cover up begins after the events in this film, evidenced by many characters saying it's been quiet for 5 years.

Other mistake: At the end after the barn fire, Marcia is at a tavern, ordering a rare steak. While it is believable that she escaped the barn fire, it is unbelievable that she is in the tavern wearing the same dress and necklace she wore prior to her transformation in the barn. All of her attire would have been rended in the transformation and lost in the fire. Unless her wardrobe consists of duplicates of the same clothing.

Other mistake: This occurs during the scene where the group has just rescued the colonel. Before Mrs. Paley makes her appearance, the others notice the panel opening, and make movements, but they don't make sense. We'll call the side where the colonel was the north. Sasha is in the southwest corner, and Max is near her. Simon and Jerry are both at the north wall. When the sound of the door opening is heard, Max looks to the west. Simon is kind of in a strange position, but looks correctly to the north, where Mrs. Paley comes from. Simon and Jerry both knew where to look before the door opened, so it's reasonable to assume that it's easy to tell which door is opening, so Max shouldn't have looked at any other door.

Other mistake: When Raymond shoots Senator Jordan, his first shot penetrates the carton of milk that Jordan is holding in his left hand. From Raymond's perspective, that carton of milk is positioned over Jordan's upper left arm; so, the first shot should have merely wounded Jordan in the left bicep, hardly a mortal wound. But Jordan's eyes roll up and he collapses as if shot in the heart.

Other mistake: While Casey was holding the pin she would bump into things and fall in her house. OK that makes sense. However, when she reached the city, how was she walking down steps that are not really there? She should be floating in the air or something.

Other mistake: Guy goes to the closet and gets Hutch's coat as he's about to leave after having coffee with Rosemary. If you look at her she looks ghostly as they applied more makeup to her face between shots. Unfortunately they missed some spots around her eyes and on her forehead. (01:06:50)

Other mistake: When Frank and Maney are driving through the West Dallas neighborhood and Frank asks to see the file, they pass a green car at the intersection. He then turns onto Bernal St and passes the same green car at the intersection. The houses are also the same.

Other mistake: When "Dutch" uses the call return feature after George Beaufort left the harassing message on his answering machine, he dials #69 on his phone. The actual number for call return is *69. (01:11:15)

Other mistake: When the Wachatti chief spits in Ace's face, you can clearly see it goes to the side of his body, thus never hitting his face.

Other mistake: When Eddie Valiant gets thrown out of the Ink and Paint Club, he is already starting to go through the air as the gorilla moves his hands to throw him. (00:21:20)

Other mistake: When Harry is being spun round on the ceiling fan you can see that they aren't moving fast enough to hold his body in a stretched out position,especially considering his bulk.

Other mistake: Right after Heather Duke and Heather McNamara drop in on Veronica and Betty Finn playing croquet, Veronica talks to her parents about the suicides. She still has a croquet mallet in her hand, so little time can have passed. Heather Duke rushes in with a shopping bag, and tells Veronica that while at the mall they heard about Martha Dumptruck's suicide attempt. But Heather Duke had just left Veronica's house - there wasn't enough time for these events to happen.

Other mistake: When Anton is swinging below the bridge to rescue Tony from his hanging, he bumps into him. At that moment, Heath Ledger opens his eyes, breaking character for a split second.